(A)   The township will provide and install a shut off valve in the form of a curb stop and curb box as near the road right-of-way line as possible.
   (B)   An approved type round way, inverted core, ball type, tee head curb stop of good bronze material shall be installed on all service lines two inches and less at a point as near the road right-of-way as practical and permissible.
   (C)   Valves of non-rising stem gate valves or plug type valves may be used for the larger size connections. They shall be of approved standard manufacture, and housed in an approved type service or roadway valve boxes.
   (D)   A cast iron extension curb box of an approved pattern shall be centered over the curb stop so that it is readily accessible for turning on and off by township representatives. Curb stop boxes will be equipped with a stainless steel rod with a maximum length of 48 inches. Valves two inches or larger shall have a buffalo type box with a stainless steel rod centered in the box. The top of the stop box shall be so placed that it is never below the grade or over three inches above grade and must be set on a brick or concrete foundation to prevent settlement.
   (E)   No person other than authorized personnel is permitted to turn water on or off at the curb stop.
(Ord. 17-02, passed 3-20-2017) Penalty, see § 51.999