A.   Disclosure Of Gift Received: An elected or appointed official or employee of this City, or the spouse, or minor child of an elected or appointed official or employee of this City, or a firm of which the elected or appointed official or the employee of this City holds ten percent (10%) or more of the stock either directly or indirectly, shall disclose in writing on a report form developed by the Secretary of State, the nature, date, and the name of the donor, and the name of such person as recipient to which a gift or gifts were made where the gift or gifts exceed fifteen dollars ($15.00) in cumulative value in any one calendar day. However, the recipient need not report food and beverage provided for immediate consumption in the presence of the donor.
   B.   Report Filed: By the fifteenth day of the month following the month in which the gift has been received, a copy of the report disclosing the gift or gifts shall be filed in the office of the Marion County Auditor. (Ord. 88-8, 11-7-1988; 1996 Code)