(A)   Pursuant to I.C. 36-7.6-2-3 the County of Knox jointly with Vigo and Sullivan Indiana counties which might so by elect, hereby establishes the Wabash River Regional Development Authority ("Authority"). The Authority shall consist of the entire area located within the legal boundaries of Knox County including the incorporated and unincorporated territory, as well as the territory of the other counties, cities, and towns that are or will become members ("Members") of the Authority.
   (B)   The County of Knox shall be a member of the Authority for a period commencing immediately upon the enactment of this section and ending on June 30, 2023, unless, at the time of the enactment of this section, no other entity qualified to become a member has so done, in which case the period shall commence upon the adoption of such an ordinance by such other member who, together with Knox County, qualify to create said district.
   (C)   The County of Knox is located within Economic Growth Region 11, as the region is defined by the Indiana Department of Workforce Development.
   (D)   The Authority shall be managed by a Development Board ("Board") consisting of five board members ("Board Members"). The nomination and appointment of the Board, the organization of the Authority, the scope of the powers to by exercise by the Board, the manner in which such powers are to be exercised, and all of the other functions of the Board shall be as set forth in I.C. 36-7.6-2-1 et seq. and all acts amendatory and supplemental thereto, as well as any other applicable laws of the state.
   (E)   The chapter may be amended or repealed in whole or in part, at any time, as provided by and subject to applicable laws and regulations.
   (F)   Should any portion of this chapter be deemed invalid for any reason that portion shall be considered severable and the remaining sections shall remain in full force and effect.
(Council Ord. 2015-2, passed 9-24-2015)