§ 152.061  SITE SKETCHES.
   (A)   In any zoning district, an application for an improvement location permit shall include a detailed site sketch for any development of agricultural use, or residential use of two units or less, or other minor developments as determined by the staff.
   (B)   The site sketch shall be drawn legible, to scale, and the following information shall be indicated with full dimensioning:
      (1)   Lot or tract dimensions;
      (2)   All existing and proposed buildings and structures with location, size, height and use indicated;
      (3)   Setback lines and distance between buildings and property lines;
      (4)   Off-street parking with location, number and size if spaces indicated;
      (5)   Any driveways and public or private streets on and adjoining the site with location, dimensions and circulation patterns indicated;
      (6)   Satisfactory evidence of sewage disposal and surface water drainage with location, type and direction of flow indicated;
      (7)   Signs and advertising structures with location, size, height, lighting and other details indicated; and
      (8)   North arrow and scale
(Ord. 2006-13, passed 4-3-2006; Ord. 2012-9, passed 7-2-2012)