Sec. 93A.05. - Minimum standards for basic plumbing, heating and electrical equipment and facilities.
Publisher's Note: This Section has been AMENDED by new legislation (Ord. 24-11-20-001, adopted 11-20-2024). The text of the amendment will be incorporated below when the ordinance is codified.
The following standards shall constitute the minimum standards for basic plumbing, heating, and electrical equipment and facilities of a dwelling or dwelling unit:
   (a)   Plumbing system. 
      (1)   Each dwelling unit shall be connected to a potable water supply and to a public sewer or other approved sewage disposal system according to the current version of the City of Raleigh Public Utility Handbook.
      (2)   Each dwelling unit shall contain not less than a kitchen sink, lavatory, and tub or shower, water closet, and adequate supply of both cold and hot water.
      (3)   All water shall be supplied through an approved pipe distribution system connected to a potable water supply.
      (4)   All plumbing fixtures shall meet the standards of the State Plumbing Code and be maintained in a state of good repair and in good working order.
      (5)   All required plumbing fixtures shall be located within the dwelling unit and be accessible to the occupants of same. The water closet and tub or shower shall be located in a room or rooms affording privacy to the user.
   (b)   Heating system. Every dwelling and dwelling unit shall provide a source of heat or heating system in accordance with the following:
      (1)   Central and electric heating systems. Every central or electric heating system shall be of sufficient capacity to heat all habitable rooms, bathrooms and water closet compartments in every dwelling unit to which it is connected to a minimum temperature of sixty-eight (68) degrees Fahrenheit measured at a point three (3) feet above the floor with an outside temperature of twenty (20) degrees Fahrenheit.
      (2)   Other heating facilities. Where a central or electric heating system is not provided, each dwelling and dwelling unit shall be provided with a sufficient source of heat (i.e. space heaters) which are properly installed and connected to chimneys, flues, gas vents or other facilities to heat all habitable rooms to a minimum temperature of sixty-eight (68) degrees Fahrenheit measured three (3) feet above the floor with an outside temperature of twenty (20) degrees Fahrenheit.
Fireplaces, stoves, wood or coal burning units, and portable kerosene heaters and like appliances do not meet the requirements of this section.
   (c)   Electrical system. 
      (1)   Every dwelling and dwelling unit shall be wired for electric lights and convenience receptacles, connected in such a manner as determined by the State Electrical Code. Every habitable room shall contain at least two (2) floor- or wall-type electric convenience receptacles. There shall be installed in every bathroom, water closet room, laundry room and furnace room at least one (1) supplied ceiling- or wall-type electric light fixture. In the event wall or ceiling light fixtures are not provided in any habitable room, then each such habitable room shall contain at least three (3) floor- or wall-type electric convenience receptacles.
      (2)   Every public hall, stairway, exterior entryway and doorway in every multiple dwelling unit building or complex shall be adequately lighted by electric lights at all times when natural daylight is not sufficient.
      (3)   All fixtures, receptacles, equipment and wiring shall be maintained in a state of good repair, safe, and capable of being used.
      (4)   Every dwelling shall be equipped with smoke detectors installed to protect occupants in all sleeping areas.
(Ord. No. 09-01-05-001, 1-5-09; Ord. No. 20-12-16-003, 12-16-20; Ord. No. 21-07-21-004, 7-21-21)