Illicit Discharge and Connection
52.01 Purpose and intent
52.02 Definitions
52.03 Applicability
52.04 Stormwater utility fee
52.05 Ultimate responsibility
52.06 Discharge prohibitions
52.07 Suspension of MS4 access
52.08 Industrial or construction activity discharges
52.09 Monitoring of discharges; access to facilities
52.10 Requirement to prevent, control, and reduce stormwater pollutants
52.11 Watercourse protection
52.12 Notification of spills
52.13 Enforcement; notice of violation
52.14 Appeal of notice of violation
52.15 Enforcement measures after appeal
52.16 Cost of abatement of the violation
Stormwater Runoff Associated with Construction and Post-Construction Activities
52.30 Introduction and purpose
52.31 Definitions
52.32 Applicability
52.33 Submittals, review, and approval
52.34 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
52.35 Design requirements
52.36 Inspection
52.37 Enforcement
52.99 Penalty