§ 151.005 DEFINITIONS.
   The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning. Words not defined shall be interpreted in accordance with definitions contained in Merriam-Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary, Ninth Edition.
   ADMINISTRATOR. The person designated by the village to administer and enforce this chapter.
   ADVERSE IMPACTS. Any deleterious impact on water resources or wetlands affecting their beneficial uses including recreation, aesthetics, aquatic habitat, quality and quantity.
   APPLICANT. Any person, firm or governmental agency who executes the necessary forms to procure official approval of a development or permit to carry out construction or a development from the village.
   BASE FLOOD. The flood having a 1% probability of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. The BASE FLOOD is also known as the 100-YEAR FREQUENCY FLOOD.
   BASE FLOOD ELEVATION. The elevation at all locations delineating the level of flooding resulting from the base flood event.
   BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE (BMP). A measure used to control the adverse stormwater-related effects of development. BMPs include structural devices (e.g., swales, filter strips, infiltration trenches and detention basins) designed to remove pollutants, reduce runoff rates and volumes, and protect aquatic habitats. BMPs also include non-structural approaches, such as public education efforts to prevent the dumping of household chemicals into storm drains.
   BUFFER AREA. An area of predominantly vegetated land to be left open, adjacent to wetlands, drainageways, lakes, ponds or other surface waters for the purpose of eliminating or minimizing adverse impacts on such areas.
   CHANNEL. Any river, stream, creek, brook, branch, natural or artificial depression, ponded area, flowage, slough, ditch, conduit, culvert, gully, ravine, wash, or natural or manmade drainageway, which has a defined bed and bank or shoreline, in or into which surface or groundwater flows, either perennially or intermittently.
   CHANNEL MODIFICATION. Alteration of a channel by changing the physical dimensions or materials of its bed or banks. CHANNEL MODIFICATION includes damming, riprapping (or other armoring), widening, deepening, straightening, relocating, lining, and significant removal of bottom or woody rooted vegetation. CHANNEL MODIFICATION does not include the clearing of debris or removal of trash.
   COMPENSATORY STORAGE. An artificially excavated, hydraulically equivalent volume of storage within the floodplain used to balance the loss of natural flood storage capacity when fill or structures are placed within the floodplain.
   CONDUIT. Any channel, pipe, sewer or culvert used for the conveyance or movement of water, whether open or closed.
   CONTROL STRUCTURE. A structure designed to control the rate of flow that passes through the structure, given a specific upstream and downstream water surface elevation.
   CRITICAL DURATION. The duration of a storm or flood event that results in the greatest peak runoff or high water elevation.
   DEED or PLAT RESTRICTION. Easements, covenants, deed restricted open spaces, outlets dedicated to a public entity, reserved plat areas, conservation easements, or public road rights-of-way that contain any part of the stormwater management system of a development.
   DEPRESSIONAL STORAGE. A non-riverine depression where stormwater collects. The DEPRESSIONAL STORAGE volume is the volume contained in a depression below the high water level of the critical duration 100-year flood through the site in the pre-developed condition.
   DETENTION BASIN. A facility constructed or modified to provide for the temporary storage of stormwater runoff and the controlled release by gravity of this runoff at a prescribed rate during and after a flood or storm.
   DETENTION TIME. The mean residence time of stormwater in a detention basin.
      (1)   Any manmade change to real estate, including:
         (a)   Preparation of a plat of subdivision;
         (b)   Construction, reconstruction or placement of a building or any addition to a building;
         (c)   Installation of a manufactured home on a site, preparing a site for a manufactured home, or installing a travel trailer on a site for more than 180 days;
         (d)   Drilling, mining, installation of utilities, construction of roads, bridges or similar projects;
         (e)   Filling, dredging, grading, construction of levees, clearing, excavating, paving or other nonagricultural alterations of the ground surface;
         (f)   Storage of materials or deposit of nonagricultural solid or liquid waste; and
         (g)   Any other activity that might alter the magnitude, frequency, deviation or velocity of stormwater flows from a property.
      (2)   DEVELOPMENT does not include maintenance of existing buildings and facilities such as resurfacing of roadways when the road elevation is not increased, or gardening, plowing and traditional agricultural practices that do not involve filling, grading or construction of levees. Additionally, DEVELOPMENT does not include fence installation, pole placement, drilling or other minor auxiliary construction activity which does not affect stormwater runoff rates or volumes.
   DRAINAGE DISTRICT. A special district created by petition or referendum and court approval having the power to construct and maintain drainage improvements and to pay for improvements with assessments on the land within the district boundaries.
   DRY DETENTION BASIN. A detention basin designed to drain completely after temporary storage of stormwater flows and to be normally dry over the majority of its bottom.
   EMERGENCY OVERFLOW. The structure in a stormwater management system designed to protect the system in event of a malfunction of the primary flow structure or a storm event greater than the system design. The EMERGENCY OVERFLOW capacity initiates at the facility design high water level or base flood elevation.
   EROSION. The general process whereby soil is detached by the action of water or wind.
   EXCESS STORMWATER RUNOFF. The volume and rate of flow of stormwater discharged from an urbanized area which is or will be in excess of that volume and rate which pertained before urbanization.
   FEMA. Federal Emergency Management Agency and its regulations codified as 44 C.F.R. §§ 59-79, effective September 29, 1989, as amended.
   FLOOD FRINGE. That portion of the floodplain outside of the regulatory floodway.
   FLOOD RATE INSURANCE MAP (FIRM). A map prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency of HUD that depicts the special flood hazard area (SFHA) within a community. The map includes insurance rate zones and floodplains and may or may not depict regulatory floodways.
   FLOODPLAIN. That land adjacent to a body of water with ground surface elevations at or below the base flood or the 100-year frequency flood elevation. The FLOODPLAIN is also known as the SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA (SFHA).
   FLOODWAY. The channel and that portion of the floodplain adjacent to a stream or watercourse which is needed to store and convey the anticipated existing and future 100-year frequency flood discharge with no more than a one-foot increase in stage due to any loss of flood conveyance or storage and no more than 10% increase in velocities. The village participates in the National Flood Insurance Program, and the floodplain limits are generally described in the following Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency:
      (1)   Map Number: 17037C0004D, panel 4 of 190; and
      (2)   Map Number: 17037C0015D, panel 15 of 190.
   FREEBOARD. An increment of height added to the base flood elevation, groundwater table, or 100-year design water surface elevation to provide a factor of safety for uncertainties in calculations, unknown local conditions, wave action and unpredictable effects.
   HYDROGRAPH. A graph showing the flow with respect to time for a given location on a stream or conduit.
   ILLINOIS URBAN MANUAL. Technical design manual by the Natural Resource Conservation Service for best management practices (BMPs) for controlling non-point source pollution.
   IMPERVIOUS SURFACE. Any hard-surfaced, manmade area that does not readily absorb, retain or infiltrate water, including but not limited to building roofs, parking and driveway areas, graveled areas, sidewalks and paved recreation areas.
   INFILTRATION. The passage or movement of water into the soil surfaces.
   LOWEST ADJACENT GRADE. The lowest finished grade adjacent to a structure, not including the bottom of window wells.
   MAJOR DRAINAGE SYSTEM. That portion of a stormwater management system needed to store and convey flows beyond the capacity of the minor drainage system. Where manmade, it is designed to handle stormwater runoff from the 100-year frequency event.
   MINOR DRAINAGE SYSTEM. That portion of a stormwater management system designed for the convenience of the public. It consists of street gutters, storm sewers, small open channels and swales. Where manmade, the minor conveyance system is designed to handle stormwater runoff from the ten-year frequency event. It also consists of cross-road culverts which shall be designed to handle stormwater runoff from the 50-year frequency event.
   MITIGATION. Includes those measures necessary to minimize the negative effects which stormwater drainage and development activities might have on the public health, safety and welfare. Examples of MITIGATION include compensatory storage, soil erosion and sediment control, and channel restoration.
   NATURAL. Conditions resulting from physical, chemical and biological processes without intervention by man.
   NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA. Impervious surface area created after the effective date of this chapter.
   ONE HUNDRED-YEAR RETURN FREQUENCY EVENT. A rainfall, runoff or flood event having a 1% chance of occurring or being exceeded in any given year.
   ON-STREAM DETENTION. Any detention facility to which runoff from upstream tributary areas flow.
   OVERLAND FLOW ROUTE. An area of land which conveys stormwater runoff for all events up to and including the base flood event.
   PEAK FLOW. The maximum rate of flow of water at a given point in a channel or conduit.
   PERSON. An individual, public or private corporation, government, partnership or unincorporated association.
   POSITIVE DRAINAGE. Provision for overland paths for all areas of a property including depressional areas that may also be drained by storm sewers.
   PROPERTY. A parcel of real estate.
   REDEVELOPMENT. Any activity, alteration or change in land use that is undertaken on previously developed land.
   REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. An engineer in the State of Illinois, under the Professional Engineer Act of 1989, 25 ILCS 325/1-49.
   REGULATORY FLOODWAY. The channel, including on-stream lakes, and that portion of the floodplain adjacent to a stream or watercourse as designated by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Office of Water Resources (IDNR-OWR), which is needed to store and convey the existing and anticipated future 100-year frequency flood discharge with no more than a one-foot increase in stage due to loss of flood conveyance or storage, and no more than 10% increase in velocities. To locate the regulatory floodway boundary on any site, the regulatory floodway boundary shall be scaled off the regulatory floodway map and located on a site plan, using reference marks common to both maps. Where interpretation is needed to determine the exact location of the regulatory floodway boundary, the IDNR-OWR should be contacted for the interpretation.
   RELEASE RATE. The rate at which stormwater runoff leaves the property.
   RETENTION BASIN. A facility designed to completely retain a specified amount of stormwater runoff without release except by means of evaporation, infiltration, emergency bypass or pumping.
   RIVERINE. Relating to, formed by or resembling a stream (including creeks and rivers).
   SEDIMENTATION. The process that deposits soils, debris and other materials either on other ground surfaces or in bodies of water or stormwater drainage systems.
   SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA (SFHA). Any area subject to inundation by the base flood from a river, creek, stream or any other identified channel or ponding and shown on the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map. The SFHA is also known as the FLOODPLAIN.
   STORM SEWER. A closed conduit for conveying collected stormwater.
   STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN. A plan, including engineering drawings and supporting calculations, which describes the existing stormwater drainage system and environmental features, as well as the stormwater management system and environmental features which are proposed after development of a property.
   STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. The collection of natural features and manmade facilities which define the stormwater management for a development. Examples include major and minor drainage systems, stormwater storage facilities, BMPs, and the like.
   STORMWATER RUNOFF. The waters derived from melting snow or rain falling within a tributary drainage basin which are in excess of the infiltration capacity of the soils of that basin, which flow over the surface of the ground or are collected in channels or conduits.
   STRUCTURE. The results of manmade change to the land constructed at or below the ground, including the construction, reconstruction or placement of a building or any addition to a building; installing a manufactured home on a site; preparing a site for a manufactured home or installing a recreational vehicle on a site for more than 180 days.
   TIME OF CONCENTRATION. The elapsed time for stormwater to flow from the most hydraulically remote point in a drainage basin to a particular point of interest in that watershed.
   TRADITIONAL AGRICULTURE USES. Uses commonly classified as agricultural or horticultural including forestry, crop farming, truck gardening, wholesale nursery operations, animal husbandry, the operation of any machinery or vehicles incidental to those uses, and the construction of single-family dwellings and other farm structures incidental to and typically associated with those uses. Agribusiness uses are not considered to be TRADITIONAL AGRICULTURAL USES and include but are not limited to commercial grain elevators, commercial facilities for grain storage, drying or other processing; commercial feed, seed or fertilizer manufacturing, processing or sales; or any other agricultural-related use, which substantially increases the size of impervious surface areas which may cause significant or measurable increases in stormwater runoff.
   TRIBUTARY WATERSHED. All of the land surface area that contributes runoff to a given point.
   TWO-YEAR RETURN FREQUENCY EVENT. A runoff, rainfall, or flood event having a 50% chance of occurring or being exceeded in any given year.
   WET DETENTION BASIN. A detention basin designed to maintain a permanent pool of water after the temporary storage of stormwater runoff.
   WETLAND.  WETLANDS are land that is inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, under normal conditions, a prevalence of vegetation adapted for life in saturated soil conditions (known as hydrophytic vegetation). A WETLAND is identified based upon the three attributes: hydrology, soils and vegetation as mandated by the current federal wetland determination methodology.
(Ord. 07-02, passed 4-16-2007)