§ 151.002 PURPOSE.
   (A)   The purpose of this chapter is to diminish threats to persons, property and the environment caused by excess stormwater runoff from new development and redevelopment; to promote the public health, safety and welfare by guiding, regulating and controlling the design, construction, use and maintenance of any development or other activity which disturbs or breaks the topsoil or otherwise results in the movement of earth on land situated in Kirkland. It is the intention of this chapter that land disturbing activities not result in an increase in the rate of or the location of stormwater runoff from properties in order to safeguard adjoining properties from the negative impacts of such runoff. Further, it is intended to require the temporary storage and the control of the rate of release of excess stormwater runoff between dominant and subservient estates.
   (B)   It is DeKalb County’s intention that by encouraging communities throughout the county to adopt and enforce this chapter within their municipal jurisdictions, water quality will not be negatively impacted by continued urban development. In addition, adoption of this chapter by communities within the county will present development with a consistent set of requirements for addressing stormwater management.
(Ord. 07-02, passed 4-16-2007)