The administration of this chapter shall be in accordance with the following regulations:
   (A)   Application for a permit.
      (1)   Building permit application, signed by owner or authorized agent, shall be on forms provided by Building Officer;
      (2)   Fee payment shall accompany application in accordance with a separate fee ordinance;
      (3)   Permit may be amended during course of work with written approval of Building Officer; and
      (4)   Permit shall expire upon the issuance of the certificate of occupancy.
   (B)   Information to accompany and be a part of application.
      (1)   Legal description of the property;
      (2)   Three copies of a plot plan, in the manner of a spotted survey, showing proposed building location, existing buildings, structures and underground facilities. Survey may be waived by the Building Officer.
      (3)   Three copies of construction plans including wiring and plumbing systems, specifications and tests to show compliance with regulations. Scale of plans not less than one-eighth inch to one foot. Plans may be waived for minor alterations not involving structural changes and for residential accessory buildings not over 500 square feet in area, if sufficiently described in application.
   (C)   Action on application and plans.
      (1)   Shall be denied, approved or conditionally approved, within ten business days by or under direction of the Building Officer. Failure to approve, or conditionally approve, within ten days, shall be tantamount to denial;
      (2)   If the application conforms to requirements of the building regulations and other applicable ordinances and state laws, a permit shall be issued in writing to proceed with the work, and one set of plans and specifications, endorsed by Building Officer, returned and kept on the job at all times;
      (3)   If a permit is denied, reasons shall be given in writing upon request; and
      (4)   Permit furnished is to remain conspicuously posted on premises near road entrance during the course of work.
   (D)   Action after permit is issued.
      (1)   Permit expires if project is not commenced within six months of date of issuance. Project must be completed within two years of date of issuance unless extended. A new permit will be required if construction is not completed within 30 months after issuance.
      (2)   A certificate of occupancy must be secured before a building is permanently occupied. The certificate shall be issued by the Building Officer when an inspection following completion of work shows that all construction is in compliance with these regulations and applicable ordinances and state laws.
      (3)   Temporary occupancy permit may be issued for a building, or portion thereof, if it is found that the condition of the building and the lighting, heating, water supply, sewage disposal, life safety systems, the means of egress system and other sanitary facilities available to the occupant provide a reasonable degree of safety. A new temporary occupancy permit shall be required if a certificate of occupancy is not issued within 60 days thereafter.
   (E)   Nonconforming building or structures.
      (1)   NONCONFORMING BUILDING OR STRUCTURE shall be defined as an existing building or structure or part or appurtenance thereof, not in conformance with these building regulations.
      (2)   Work limited to necessary repairs only, unless building, or part, is made to conform with the requirements of this chapter.
(1983 Code, § 8-1-8) (Ord. 2019-11, passed 10-7-2019)