(A)   Before any purchases or contracts for supplies, materials and equipment are made, whenever possible, the Purchasing Agent shall give ample opportunity for competitive bidding, but with such exceptions as the Council may authorize. Emergency purchases shall be exempt from this provision. A "bidders" list shall be maintained.
('86 Code, § 8.402)
   (B)   Bids shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, unless the best interests of the municipality will be served, as determined by Council.
('86 Code, § 8.403)
   (C)   Sealed bids shall be obtained by the Purchasing Agent in all cases, when required by the Council.
('86 Code, § 8.404)
   (D)   Bids shall be awarded to the local vendor when tie bids are received. Tie bids from more than one local vendor shall be awarded by drawing lots.
('86 Code, § 8.405)