(A)   The town shall have the right and responsibility to establish, maintain, protect, and remove trees located on public property. Public tree maintenance standards shall be developed and made a part of this chapter and shall include, at a minimum, standards for tree establishment, maintenance (to include pruning, mulching, fertilization, irrigation, and pest control), protection, and removal.
   (B)   These standards shall incorporate the current version of the following professional standards from the American National Standards Institute:
      (1)   ANSI Z60.1 - American National Standard for Nursery Stock;
      (2)   ANSI Z133.1 - American National Standard for Arboricultural Operations: pruning, repairing, maintaining, and removing trees, and cutting brush—Safety Requirements; and
      (3)   ANSI A300 - American National Standard for Tree Care Operations: trees, brush, and other woody plant maintenance—Standard Practices.
(Ord. 2014-01, passed 3-17-14)