(A)   General. The design of all buildings and structures within the Core Commercial District will be subject to approval by the ARB prior to receipt of building permits and initiation of construction.
   (B)   Architectural style. It is not the intent of the ARB to be an inflexible arbiter of style or to require strict adherence of any recognized architectural stylistic conventions. It is the intent and purpose of the ARB to ensure that all structures located within the Core Commercial District reinforce and improve upon the existing features of downtown Kingstree. The following are palettes which are generally responsive to the intended quality of the district.
      (1)   General materials palette; generally not allowed in the Core Commercial District:
         (a)   Mirrored or tinted glass;
         (b)   Chain link fencing;
         (c)   Backlit or moving signs;
         (d)   Outdoor vending machines; and
         (e)   Signage in violation of city ordinances.
      (2)   Mechanical areas. Service yards, garbage containers and the like must be fully screened from view with an opaque surface which is in keeping with the overall design solution.
      (3)   Other restrictions. All projects within the district must comply with all applicable local, state and federal codes.
(Ord. 98-15, passed 4-19-99)