(A)   Pre-application. For the purpose of expediting applications and reducing development costs, the developer may request a pre-application conference and/or concept plan review before the ARB regular meeting.
   (B)   Submittal procedures. Submittal for new construction and major renovations ($5,000 and over).
      (1)   Submittal requirements:
         (a)   Submit ten copies of each drawing required;
         (b)   Drawings shall be at an appropriate scale;
         (c)   Sheet size shall be a minimum of 11 x 17 to a maximum of 30 x 42;
         (d)   Drawings shall identify the developer, building type and use;
         (e)   Drawings shall show scale of drawing and orientation; and
         (f)   Drawing shall be prepared by a qualified, registered professional (architect, landscape architect, engineer) according to applicable state statutes.
      (2)   Drawings required:
         (a)   Preliminary site plan;
         (b)   Elevation of drawings (all sides);
         (c)   Floor plans (all sides);
         (d)   Calculations of building areas, parking required and the like; and
         (e)   Preliminary materials and color palette.
   (C)   Submittal for cosmetic changes.
      (1)   Written statement describing and outlining cosmetic changes;
      (2)   Drawing if necessary for the clarification of design; and
      (3)   Color scheme if color change is included in the cosmetic change.
   (D)   Submittal for signage.
      (1)   Submit ten copies of drawing of sign;
      (2)   Drawing shall identify scale and orientation;
      (3)   Drawing shall identify materials and color scheme;
      (4)   Sign shall meet the regulations as defined in Chapter 153, Zoning.
   (E)   Submittal deadline. Submittal of all material and the fee shall be made to the town by 5:00 p.m. ten working days prior to the ARB meeting, or according to a schedule made available to the public by the town.
(Ord. 98-15, passed 4-19-99)