(A)   During the installation, repair, alteration, or removal of any building, house, structure, utility line, or hardscape, or the conduct of a public event or gathering, any person, firm, or corporation in charge of such work or event shall protect the roots, trunk, and crown of adjacent public trees from harmful activities to prevent injury to such trees. The minimum radius of the root protection zone should be equal to one foot per inch (DBH) of the affected tree(s).
   (B)   Activities harmful to trees. Activities harmful to trees shall include, but are not limited to, trenching, grading, grubbing, soil backfill or sedimentation, soil cuts, soil compaction from equipment, vehicle, or pedestrian traffic, soil compaction from materials storage, soil contamination from equipment maintenance and washouts, changes in water drainage, fire, trunk wounds, limb wounds, improper pruning (including topping), and broken branches. These activities are common during infrastructure installation or repair, building or facility construction, and public events or gatherings.
   (C)   Tree protection fencing and other protection measures. Except in the case of public events and gatherings, tree protection fencing, consisting of sturdy material at least four feet high, shall be erected at the critical root zone prior to the commencement of any harmful activity by the individual in charge of that activity, and shall remain in place until the activity is completed. Other protection measures may include tunneling, trunk wraps, mulching, or irrigation.
(Ord. 2014-01, passed 3-17-14)