(A)   Pruning.
      (1)   Public trees. Tree pruning shall be done on a routine basis to provide pedestrian, traffic, sign, light, and signal clearance, to reduce conflicts with buildings and infrastructure, to improve tree structure, form, and health, and to remove dead, diseased, dying and otherwise objectionable branches over two inches in diameter. Tree pruning shall be done in accordance with current professional standards (ANSI A300). The following clearances shall be maintained through routine pruning:
         (a)   Seven feet above sidewalks and walkways;
         (b)   Twelve feet above residential streets; and
         (c)   Sixteen feet above major thoroughfares
      (2)   Newly planted trees. Newly planted trees shall be inspected during the summer months at one, two, and three years after planting and pruned if necessary to improve their structure and health.
      (3)   Private trees. The town shall have the right to prune trees on private property to provide clearance over public sidewalks and roadways, to improve visibility of signs, signals, and lights, and to reduce hazards. Pruning shall comply to current national standards (ANSI A300).
      (4)   Utility line clearance pruning. All pruning completed for the purpose of utility line clearance shall be done in accordance with current professional standards (ANSI A300).
      (5)   Topping. The topping of any publicly owned tree shall not be permitted under any circumstances. The town may, at its discretion, require that any party topping public trees pay a penalty in an amount up to but not greater than the appraised value of the tree prior to topping.
   (B)   Mulching. All newly planted trees shall be mulched with leaves, aged wood chips, pine straw, or other good quality organic mulch during the establishment period-the first three years after planting. Mulch shall be applied in an even layer, three to four inches deep, out to the dripline of the tree. All trees shall be mulched where practical, as far out towards the dripline as possible. Mulch shall be kept at least six inches away from the tree trunk to avoid creating favorable conditions for insect, disease, or rodent infestation.
   (C)   Fertilization. Fertilization may be done where and when a soil or foliar test indicates a nutrient deficiency. Fertilization shall be done according to current professional standards (ANSI A300).
   (D)   Watering. Watering shall be done for all newly planted trees during the months of May through October at least once per week during periods of drought or low rainfall, up to an amount of one inch of water per week.
   (E)   Pest control. When public trees are found to have insect or disease infestations that pose a major threat to surrounding trees, they shall be effectively treated or removed by the town. Spraying of insecticides, fungicides, or herbicides shall be done only for the control of specific insects, diseases, or weeds with the proper materials in the necessary strength and applied at the proper time to obtain the desired control. General spraying for insect, disease, and weed control shall be discouraged. Any pesticide application shall be performed or supervised by personnel with a current SC Pesticide Applicator's License.
(Ord. 2014-01, passed 3-17-14)