(A)   Establishment shall include the following:
      (1)   Species common name;
      (2)   Latin name;
      (3)   Mature height category; and
      (4)   Recommended or not recommended.
   (B)   Mature height categories shall be as listed below:
      (1)   Small- less than 25 feet in height at maturity;
      (2)   Medium- less than 40 feet in height at maturity; and
      (3)   Large- at least 40 feet and up to 100 feet or more in height at maturity.
   (C)   Tree quality. Trees planted on town property shall be good quality and have the following characteristics:
      (1)   Have healthy roots, trunk, and crown;
      (2)   Be free from stem encircling and stem girdling roots;
      (3)   Have a form characteristic of the species, but otherwise with a straight trunk and without co-dominant stems and included bark;
      (4)   Have well-spaced branches; and
      (5)   Be free from insect pests, diseases, and mechanical injuries.
   (D)   Tree placement. Trees shall be planted in locations that meet the following criteria:
      (1)   At least 30 feet from street intersections;
      (2)   At least 25 feet from stop signs and light poles;
      (3)   At least 15 feet from driveways, utility poles, fire hydrants, and mail boxes;
      (4)   At least two-and-a-half feet from the curb and sidewalks;
      (5)   Only small maturing trees shall be planted beneath or within 20 feet of overhead utility lines;
      (6)   Small maturing trees shall be planted no closer than ten feet to a building;
      (7)   No medium maturing tree shall be planted closer than 20 feet to overhead electrical power lines or 20 feet to a building; and
      (8)   No large maturing tree shall be planted closer than 30 feet to overhead electrical power lines or 30 feet to a building.
      (9)   The Tree Board may recommend other tree placement designs in public spaces that do not meet the above criteria, such as a planned streetscape design.
   (E)   Spacing between trees. For all street tree plantings, except for special planting plans recommended by the Tree Board, the following minimum planting distances shall be required:
      (1)   Small maturing trees shall be planted at least 25 feet apart;
      (2)   Medium maturing trees shall be planted at least 35 feet apart; and
      (3)   Large maturing trees shall be planted at least 50 feet apart.
   (F)   Open soil surface area. Trees shall have a minimum of 25 square feet of open soil surface area when planted in tree wells or concrete cutouts. Otherwise, trees shall have the minimum open soil surface areas listed below:
      (1)   Small trees- Suitable for spaces no less than 16 square feet and up to 100 square feet of total planting area; in a planting strip at least four feet wide; or planted at least two-and- a-half feet from pavement or wall.
      (2)   Medium trees- Suitable for spaces no less than 64 square feet and up to 200 square feet of total planting area; in a planting strip at least six feet wide, or planted at least four feet from pavement or wall.
      (3)   Large trees- Suitable for spaces with no less than 200 square feet of total planting area; in a planting strip at least seven feet wide; or planted at least six feet from pavement or wall.
   (G)   Utility locates. No street tree other than those species as listed as small maturing trees may be planted under or within 20 lateral feet of any overhead utility wire, or over or within ten lateral feet of any underground water line, sewer line, transmission line or other utility. The party excavating the planting hole shall be responsible for insuring that all underground utilities have been located and marked prior to any excavation.
   (H)   City tree planting permit. A town tree planting permit shall be required for anyone to plant trees on public property. On state highway rights-of-way, a State of South Carolina Encroachment Permit shall also be required (see division (I)). The Zoning Administrator shall be responsible for issuing town tree planting permits. Applications for town tree planting permits shall include, at a minimum, the following information:
      (1)   Application date;
      (2)   Name and contact information of applicant;
      (3)   Address where the tree is to be planted;
      (4)   Tree species and variety to be planted;
      (5)   Caliper size of tree (diameter of trunk measured at six inches above the ground line);
      (6)   Exact location of planting site and description, including the presence of overhead or underground utility lines; and
      (7)   Three-year maintenance plan and schedule.
   (I)   State of South Carolina encroachment permit. A State of South Carolina Encroachment Permit is required for any landscaping work performed on state highway rights-of-way and can be requested from the South Carolina Department of Transportation. A sketch plan of the proposed project must be attached to the Encroachment Permit Application. This plan should show the planting arrangement and the type of plants to be used. Photographs may also be helpful. All proposed Encroachment Permit applications should clearly state the following information:
      (1)   Speed limit (mph);
      (2)   Cut or fill slope (check with local Resident Maintenance Engineer);
      (3)   Traffic volume less or greater than 1,500 ADT (check with local Resident Maintenance Engineer);
      (4)   Label guardrail; barrier curb; sidewalks; edge of pavement and right-of-way line on sketch; indicate traffic lights at road intersections (a label stating "TL" in a box is acceptable); and
      (5)   State distance plant material is from curb or edge of pavement (offset).
(Ord. 2014-01, passed 3-17-14)