(A)   (1)   On October 6, 2021, the South Carolina Building Codes Council approved and adopted codes and appendices, modifications and the latest editions of the mandatory codes referenced in S.C. Code Ann. § 6-9-50 (1976, as amended) to be enforced by all municipalities and counties in South Carolina. The Council established the implementation date for local jurisdictions as of January l, 2023. Fire and Building codes established a minimum standard for construction to ensure the health, safety and welfare of the general public that occupy the resulting structures. The current adopted codes, as of January 1, 2020, included the 2018 editions of the Building and Fire Codes.
      (2)   The South Carolina State legislature adopted the 2021 include the following mandatory codes:
         (a)    2021 South Carolina Building Code or the International Building Code with SC Modifications;
         (b)   2021 South Carolina Residential Code or the International Residential Code with SC Modifications;
         (c)   2021 South Carolina Fire Code or the International Fire Code with SC Modifications;
         (d)   2021 South Carolina Plumbing Code or the International Plumbing Code with SC Modifications;
         (e)   2021 South Carolina Mechanical Code or the International Mechanical Code with SC Modifications;
         (f)   2021 South Carolina Gas Code or the International Gas Code with SC Modifications;
         (g)   2009 South Carolina Energy Conservation Code or the International Energy Conservation Code with SC Modifications (Energy Standard Act);
         (h)   2020 National Electrical Code (NFPA) 70) with SC Modifications;
         (i)   The latest edition of ICC/ANSI Al 17.1, Accessible and Useable Buildings and Facilities.
      (3)   The Town Council accepts and supports the adoption for enforcement of the mandatory building and fire codes referenced in § 6-9-50 of the South Carolina Code of Laws, 1976 as amended.
   (B)   Any matters in said codes which are contrary to existing ordinances of the town shall prevail, and if any existing ordinances are contrary to said codes, they are hereby repealed in that respect only.
   (C)   Within said codes, when reference is made to the duties of a certain official named therein, that designated official of the town who has duties corresponding to those of the named official in said code shall be deemed to be the responsible official insofar as enforcing the provisions of said code are concerned.
('86 Code, § 5.109)
   (D)   The Council reserves the right to make modifications in said codes, as amendments thereto are promulgated by the issuing authority.
('86 Code, § 5.107) (Am. Ord. 97-1, passed 2-17-97; Am. Ord. 2000- 10, passed 10-16-00; Am. Ord. 2008-14, passed 8-18-08; Am. Ord. 2014- 02, passed 4-21-14; Am. Ord. 2016-06, passed 7-28-16; Am. Ord. 2020- 003, passed 4-20-20; Am. Ord. 2022-06, passed 11-21-22) Penalty, see § 150.99
   Adoption of Standard Fire Prevention Code, see also §§ 91.01 - 91.03