(A)   Dogs of fierce, dangerous, or vicious propensity, whether licensed or not shall not be allowed to run at-large upon the premises of other than the owner's. If any such dog is found running at-large in violation of this provision, it shall be taken up and impounded and shall not be released except upon the approval of the Animal Warden after payment of the penalties; provided, however, that if any dangerous, fierce, or vicious dog so found at-large cannot be safely taken and impounded, such dog may be destroyed by a duly authorized representative of the town.
   (B)   Dogs of fierce, dangerous, or vicious propensity when on the property of the owner or a person keeping or harboring said dog shall be secured in such a way that the dog cannot reach mailmen, delivery personnel, newspaper boys, or any others who may have occasion to enter the owner's premises in the course of their work.
   (C)   Female dogs "in heat" shall be confined by the owner in a closed building so that the dog cannot come into contact with another except for planned breeding.
   (D)   Dogs suspected of rabies shall be confined by the owner in and at a place designated by the Animal Warden or his duly authorized representative in such a way so as to prohibit such rabies-suspected dog to come into contact with any other animal or person and/or from escaping, at the owner's expense. Such rabies-suspected dog shall be confined until such time as a veterinarian has authorized in writing its release or nonconfinement.
('86 Code, § 3.105) (Ord. 1972-3, passed - -72)