(A)   Each operator of an ice cream vending vehicle must obtain an applicant’s license. An application for the license must be completed and return to the Administrator, verified under oath or affirmation and shall contain the following information:
      (1)   Name and physical description of the applicant;
      (2)   Permanent home and/or business address of applicant;
      (3)   If employed, or acting as an agent, the name and address of the employer or principal together with credentials establishing the exact relationship;
      (4)   Two photographs of the applicant, showing the head and shoulders, which have been taken within 60 days of filing the application;
      (5)   Two sets of fingerprints of the applicant and/or driver(s) taken by the local Police Department;
      (6)   The driver’s license of the applicant and/or driver(s);
      (7)   The registration number of the vehicle to be operated; and
      (8)   Other information as may be reasonably required by the Administrator.
   (B)   Any person operating or managing any vehicle must receive approval from the Cleveland County Health Department which shall provide the operator or manager with certification that the vehicle meets Health Department requirements. This certification must be presented to the Administrator before an applicant’s license will be issued.
   (C)   Each vehicle used on the streets of the city for the sale of the products shall be insured by an insurance company licensed to write public liability insurance in the state. The covered insurance amounts should be $100,000 for a single injury or death, $300,000 for injury or death of two or more people resulting from one accident and $25,000 for property damage.
(Ord. 10-11, passed 5-25-2010)