All designated fire lanes shall be marked as specified by the Fire Marshal. A “No Parking” sign of the type specified by the Fire Marshal shall be installed adjacent to the fire lane at the beginning and end of the fire lane perimeter. Additional signs shall be posted at intervals not exceeding 75 feet. The owner or occupant of the property shall furnish the signs adjacent to his or her structure as required by the Fire Marshal. The sign shall be of metal no less than 18 inches by 12 inches with the wording “No Parking, Fire Lane”. The lettering shall be at least three inches high and no less than one-fourth inch wide. The wording shall start at the top of the 18-inch length and proceed down the length of the sign. The background color of the sign shall be white with red lettering. Signs already in place shall remain until replacement is needed. The mounting method, materials and height of the sign shall be as required by the Fire Marshal to clearly indicate the designation and to put the drivers of vehicles on notice of restrictions.
(Ord. 96-15, passed 7-30-1996)