(A)   In the interest of the public health and to prevent the spread of typhus fever and other rat-borne diseases and infections it is hereby required and ordered that all business buildings within the city be made rat-proof in order to prevent entry of rats into and upon the premises and the business buildings shall be kept and maintained in a rat-free condition.
   (B)   All newly constructed business buildings and additions to existing business buildings shall be rat-proofed during the process of construction.
   (C)   The owners of all rat-proofed business buildings shall maintain the same in a rat-proof condition and repair all breaks or leaks that may occur in the rat-proofing, and the occupants of all rat-proofed business buildings shall take action as may be necessary and appropriate to eradicate all rats from the buildings and to keep the same free from rats.
(Prior Code, § 9-31) Penalty, see § 96.999