(A)   Requirement.
      (1)   No unauthorized person shall uncover, make any connections with or opening into, use, alter, or disturb any public water facility or appurtenance thereof without first obtaining a written permit from the village.
      (2)   All connections with the public water system of the village shall be made only by written authorization and permit issued by the village and on the forms and on payment of the fees as shall be established from time to time by the village.
      (3)   All connections to the village water system must be made by employees of the village or approved representatives or contractors.
      (4)   (a)   At the time of application, an applicant for connection shall, in addition to the payment of all applicable fees, deposit the sum of $125 with the village.
         (b)   This deposit is refundable after final inspection, which will include an as built curb stop brought up to final grade and completed.
         (c)   The deposit will be refunded within 7 days after the village inspection and approval.
         (d)   If the curb stop is not brought up to final grade within 2 weeks of completion of topsoil on the parcel:
            1.   The village will make final adjustments to the water box;
            2.   The deposit will be deemed forfeited; and
            3.   The applicant will be subject, in addition to a miscellaneous customer fee, in the event the village expense in the circumstances exceeds the amount of the deposit.
   (B)   Publication.
      (1)   A true copy or a summary of this section shall be published in Traverse City Record Eagle, a newspaper circulated in the village, within 15 days after the adoption of this section by the Village Council.
      (2)   Upon the publication, the Clerk shall immediately enter the time and place of the publication in the record of ordinances.
   (C)   Effective date.  This section shall be in full force and effect as of 3-1-2001.
   (D)   Mandatory connection to village water system.
      (1)   All property owners within the village that utilize water usage are required to connect to the municipal water system.
      (2)   No private wells constructed after March 3, 2008, within the village may be used as potable water.
(1992 Code, § 8.2)  (Am. Ord. 4-01, passed 2-5-2001; Am. Ord. passed 3-3-2008) Penalty, see § 50.99