§ 93.02  ANIMALS.
   (A)   No person shall be cruel to any animal or bird.
   (B)   No person shall throw or deposit any poisonous substance on any outdoor and exposed public or private place where it may endanger any bird or domestic animal.
   (C)   No person shall keep swine within the limits of the Village of Kingsley.
   (D)   No person shall keep, maintain, care for, or assist in keeping, maintaining, or caring for any foxes, mink, or other furbearing animals for profit.
   (E)   No person shall keep any animal or bird which causes annoyance by barking, howling, braying, crowing, or making other sounds common to its species.
   (F)   No owner, caretaker, or custodian of any animal shall fail to maintain any structure, pen, coop, or yard where any animal is kept in a clean and sanitary condition.
   (G)   No owner, caretaker, or custodian of any animal shall fail to keep the animal confined on his or her own premises.
   (H)   No person shall deposit, place, or throw any fatally sick or injured animal, or improperly dispose of any dead animal or part thereof, on any public or private place within the village limits.
   (I)   No person shall bury any dead animal or fowl, or any part thereof, within the village limits.
   (J)   It shall be unlawful for any person to own, protect, or keep any dog within the village limits unless the dog has been licensed in accordance with the laws of the State of Michigan.
   (K)   (1)   No person shall own, protect, or keep any vicious animal within the village limits unless that animal is securely confined by a fence, leash, or other means, to the owner’s, protector’s, or keeper’s premises.
      (2)   No person shall allow any vicious animal to leave the premises of the owner, keeper, or protector of that animal unless the animal is securely muzzled and led by a leash.
      (3)   Any animal shall be deemed vicious which has bitten or attacked a person or domestic animal without molestation, or which, by its actions, gives indication that it is likely to bite or attack any person or domestic animal without molestation.
   (L)   No person shall own, protect, or keep any wild animal, exotic animal not normally domesticated, or snake within the village limits.
(1992 Code, § 4.2)  Penalty, see § 93.99