(a) The Chief of Police shall have supervision of subordinate or special officers, under the direction of the City Manager.
(b) It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police and other officers to see that the laws of the state and all ordinances and resolutions of the city are properly enforced and obeyed within the police jurisdiction of the city.
(c) Officers are to be industrious in bringing to justice all violators of law and in preventing violations of the law.
(d) Whenever an arrest is made, officers shall attend all trials in Municipal Court, unless excused by the Municipal Judge or the City Attorney.
(e) Officers shall promptly serve all process papers, notices or orders as required by statute or as directed by the City Manager.
(f) Officers shall perform such other duties as may be required by the City Manager or by the ordinances of the city.
(2010 Code, § 10-102) (Charter Ord. 23, passed - -)