13.06.160   Off-street parking and loading.
   A.   Definitions. 1. Except as otherwise defined in this code, "aisle" means a minimum area available for ingress, egress access between parking spaces 24 feet wide. No area may be considered as an aisle way unless accessible and usable for that purpose.
      2.   Except as otherwise defined in this code, "one space" means a minimum area available for parking nine feet six inches wide and 19 feet long. No area may be considered as a parking space unless accessible and usable for that purpose.
      3.   "Employees" means all persons (including proprietor, executives, professional people, production, sales and distribution employees) working on the premises during the largest shift.
   B.   Obligation of property owner. The provision and maintenance of off-street parking and loading spaces are continuing obligations of the property owner. No approval for adding buildings to the site shall be issued until plans are presented that show property has adequate off-street parking and loading space. The subsequent use of property for which the construction permit is issued shall be conditional upon the unqualified continuance and availability of the amount of parking and loading space required by this title. Should the owner or occupant of a lot or building change the use to which the lot or building is put, thereby increasing off-street parking or loading requirements, it is unlawful and a violation of this title to begin or maintain such altered use until the required increase in off-street parking or loading is provided.
   C.   Joint use. Owners of two or more uses, structures, or parcels of land may agree to utilize jointly the same parking and loading spaces, provided that satisfactory legal evidence is presented to the building official in the form of deeds, leases, or contracts to establish the joint use and that adequate spaces do exist during peak hours of operation.
   D.   Plan, building permit prerequisite. A plan drawn to scale, indicating how the off-street parking and loading requirement is to be fulfilled, shall accompany the request for a design review. The plan shall show all those elements necessary to indicate that these requirements are being fulfilled and shall include but not be limited to:
      1.   delineation of individual parking spaces;
      2.   circulation area necessary to serve spaces;
      3.   access to streets, alleys and properties to be served;
      4.   curb cuts;
      5.   dimensions, continuity and substance of screening;
      6.   grading, drainage, surfacing and subgrading details;
      7.   delineations of all structures or other obstacles to parking and circulation on the site;
      8.   specifications as to signs and bumper guards.
   E.   Restrictions. Required parking spaces shall be available for the parking of operable passenger automobiles of residents, customers, patrons and employees only, and shall not be used for storage of vehicles or materials or for the parking of trucks used in conducting the business or use, and shall not be rented, leased or assigned to any other person or organization.
   F.   Public street, alley parking spaces. Parking spaces in public streets or alleys shall not be eligible as fulfilling any part of the parking requirements.
   G.   Minimum space requirements. Off-street parking shall be provided according to the following standards, regardless of the zone in which the use, building, establishment or development is located. Any building, establishment or development may elect to define separate use areas which together total the gross floor area as defined in this code and apply these standards separately to those uses.
Type of Use 
Parking Spaces Required
Type of Use 
Parking Spaces Required
1 or 2 family dwelling
2 spaces per dwelling unit (may be tandem)
multifamily dwelling
1.5 spaces per dwelling unit
rooming house or boarding house
1 space for each guest room plus 1 space for the owner
hotels, motels, etc.
1 space for each guest room plus one space for the owner
medical clinic
1 1/2 spaces per 200 square feet
Public and Semi-Public Buildings
churches, clubs, lodges
1 space for every 6 fixed seats for every 12 feet of bench length and/or every 100 square feet of gross floor area where no permanent seats are maintained
1 space for each 400 square feet of gross floor area
preschool, day nursery, kindergarten
5 spaces plus 1 space per classroom
elementary, junior high school or equivalent private or parochial school
10 spaces plus 2 space per classroom or 1 space per 4 seats or 8 feet of bench length in the auditorium, whichever is greater
senior high and equivalent private or parochial school
15 spaces plus 5 spaces per classroom or 1 space per 4 seats or 8 feet of bench length in main auditoriu,, whichever is greater
retail establishments except as otherwise specified herein
1 space for each 400 square feet of gross floor area, bt not less than 4 spaces for each establishment
service or repair shop
1 space for each 500 square feet of gross floor area, but not less than 3 spaces for each establishment
retail stores handling bulky merchandise such as furniture, automobiles, appliances
1 space for each 1000 square feet of gross floor area but not less than 10 spaces for each establishment
barber and beauty shops
1 space for each 100 square feet of gross floor area
office buildings, business and professional offices
1 space for each 350 suuare feet of gross floor area
eating and drinking establishment
1 space for each 100 suqare feet of gross floor space
Commercial Recreation
billiard or pool hall
1 space for each 300 suqare feet of gross floor area
bowling alley
5 spaces for each bowling lane
dance hall, skating rink, gymnasium
1 space for each 300 square feet of gross floor area
indoor arena, theater
1 space for each 6 seats or 12 feet of bench length
except as specifically mentioned herein, industrial uses listed as permitted in H-I and L-I
1 space for each employee on the largest shift or 1 space for each 1000 square feet, whichever is larger
storage operation, trucking freight terminal
1 space for each employee on the largest shift or 1 space for each 1500 square feet, whichever is larger
wholesale or retail (industrial) sales and service
1 space for each 1000 square feet of gross floor area, but not less than 10 spaces for each establishment
   Other uses: Requirements for types of buildings and establishments not specifically listed in this section shall be determined by the planning commission, based on the requirements of comparable uses listed.
   H.   Loading berths. Buildings or structures to be built or substantially altered which receive and distribute material or merchandise by truck shall provide and maintain off-street loading berths in sufficient numbers and size to adequately handle the needs of the particular use. If loading space has been provided in connection with an existing use or is added to an existing use, the loading space shall not be eliminated if elimination would result in less space than is required to adequately handle the needs of the particular use. Off- street parking areas used to fulfill the requirements of this title shall not be used for loading and unloading operations except during periods of the day when not required to take care of parking needs.
   I.   Service drives. 1. Groups of more than two parking spaces shall be served by a service drive so that no backing movements or other maneuvering within a street other than an alley will be required.
      2.   Service drives shall be designed and constructed to facilitate the flow of traffic, provide maximum safety of traffic access and egress and maximum safety of pedestrians and vehicular traffic on the site, and shall have a minimum vision clearance area as prescribed in § 13.06.020.
   J.   Access. 1. Each parking and/or loading space shall be accessible from a street or other right-of-way and the access shall be of a width and location as described by § 13.06.170.
      2.   Minimum standards for parking stall length and width, aisle width and maneuvering space shall be determined from the following table and diagram.
Angle From Curb
 Stall Width
Overall Channel Width (B)
Aisle Width (C)
 Curb Length Per Stall (X)
(Ord. 81-09 (part), 1981)