13.06.170   Access and egress.
   A.   General provisions. The following requirements and standards shall not apply in any instance where subdivision rules or standards of the city are applicable. The following provisions and standards are intended to apply where no present or discernible purpose exists to partition one or more parcels of land in contravention or violation of the subdivision laws of the State of Alaska and city ordinances:
      1.   The provisions and maintenance of access and egress stipulated in this title are continuing requirements for the use of any structure or parcel of real property in the city. No development approval shall be issued until scale plans are presented that show how access and egress requirement is to be fulfilled. Should the owner or occupant of a lot or building change the use to which the lot or building is put, thereby increasing access and egress requirements, it is unlawful and a violation of this title to begin or maintain such altered use until the required increase in access and egress is provided;
      2.   Unless the required access and egress is dedicated to public use by permanent easement or deed, the planning commission shall not issue a permit approval until the city has been presented with satisfactory legal evidence in the form of deeds, easements, leases, or contracts to establish access and egress for the duration of the occupancy or use for which access and egress are required. Copies of the deeds, easements, leases or contracts shall be placed on permanent file with the city clerk;
      3.   The standards set forth in this title are minimum standards for access and egress, and may be increased by the planning commission in any particular instance where the standards provided herein are deemed insufficient.
   B.   Minimum requirements--residential uses.
      1.   Vehicular access and egress for single family, duplex and mobile home residential uses shall not be less than the following:
   Dwelling      Number   Minimum   Minimum Pavement
   Units       Required   Width    Boardwalks, Etc.
   1         1      10 ft.      None
   2         2      10 ft.      None
      2.   Vehicular access and egress for multifamily residential uses shall not be less than the following:
   Dwelling      Number   Minimum   Minimum Pavement
   Units       Required    Width    Boardwalks, Etc.
   3-6 (per set)      1      30 ft.      Hard surface with 3.5
                        foot wide boardwalk to
                        public street or road
   C.   Minimum requirements; commercial and industrial uses. Vehicular access and egress for commercial and industrial uses shall not be less than the following:
   Required   Minimum
   Parking   Number   Minimum   Minimum Pavement
   Spaces    Required   Width    Sidewalks, Etc.
   1-99      1      30 ft.      Hard surface with
                     boardwalk to city
                     standard connecting
                     to public street or road
(Ord. 81-09 (part), 1981)