9.08.016: CURFEW:
   A.   Age And Hour Restrictions: It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of eighteen (18) years to be or remain in or upon the streets within Twin Falls County, at night, during the period beginning at eleven o'clock (11:00) P.M. and ending at five o'clock (5:00) A.M. Sunday through Saturday. Daytime curfew hours, during the school year session, are eight thirty o'clock (8:30) A.M. to one thirty o'clock (1:30) P.M.
   B.   Exceptions: In the following exceptional cases, a minor on a county street during the nocturnal hours for which subsection A of this section is intended to provide the maximum limits of regulation (and a clear guide for minors, their parents, and their fellow citizens) shall not, however, be considered in violation of these curfew provisions:
      1.   When accompanied by a parent or guardian of said juvenile.
      2.   When accompanied by an adult authorized by a parent of said minor.
      3.   When exercising first amendment rights protected by the United States constitution, such as the free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, and the right of assembly. The juvenile shall evidence the bona fides of such exercise by first delivering to the person designated by the Twin Falls County sheriff to receive such information, at the county building on Shoshone Street North, in the city of Twin Falls, a written communication, signed by the juvenile and countersigned, if practicable, by a parent of the juvenile with their home address and telephone number, specifying when, where and in what manner the juvenile will be on the streets at night (during hours when this article is otherwise applicable to said minor) in the exercise of a first amendment right specified in such communication.
      4.   When the juvenile is on the sidewalk of a place where said juvenile resides, or on the sidewalk of either next door neighbor not communicating an objection to law enforcement.
      5.   When returning home, by a direct route from (and within 1 hour or reasonable travel time after the termination of) any legitimate activity consented to by the parent, school, or community sponsored activity or any activity of a religious or other voluntary association such as night classes, library study, dances, proms, church socials, religious midnight masses or other late night religious services, political activities including county commissioner meetings, athletic events, concerts and cultural or contemporary music events.
      6.   When the juvenile carries a certified letter of employment, renewable each calendar month when the current facts so warrant, dated, or reissued not more than forty five (45) days previously, and briefly identifying the juvenile, the addresses of his home and of his place of employment, and his hours of employment.
      7.   When the juvenile is, with parental consent, in a motor vehicle. This contemplates normal travel. It is the intention of this provision to clearly exempt bona fide interstate movements along major routes through Twin Falls County and interstate travel beginning or ending in Twin Falls County.
      8.   In the event of an emergency.
      9.   Each of the foregoing exceptions, and their several limitations such as provisions for notification, are severable, as hereinafter provided, are hereby reemphasized. These exceptions will be considered by the commissioners as warranted by future experience illuminated by the views of student government associations, school personnel, citizens, associations, parents, officers, and persons in authority concerned positively with juveniles as well as with juvenile delinquency. (Ord. 483 § 1, 1998)