(A)   Each block shall be numbered consecutively from the baseline beginning with the number one. For example, the first block from the baseline is numbered one and the second block is numbered two. A block generally shall be considered the area encompassed by streets. If vacant land fronts a street uninterrupted for several hundred feet, the vacant land may be considered as more than one block. The Street Address Committee shall determine the number of blocks into which the vacant land is divided based upon the length of adjoining blocks, the layout of the streets in the area and future development plans. If a block encompassed by streets is very small, the Street Address Committee may combine the small block with an adjoining block for the purpose of numbering.
   (B)   All vacant parcels, lots, tracts of land and principal buildings facing streets not extending through to the baseline shall be assigned the same relative block numbers as if the street did extend to the baseline.
(`88 Code, § 18-110) (Am. Ord. 18-8, passed 6-23-21)