BODY PIERCING BUSINESS. A legitimately and legally licensed operation offering body piercing services to the general public.
   BODY PIERCING. Refers to any method of piercing the skin or other body tissues for the express intention of the insertion of any object including but not limited to jewelry. Excluded from this definition are the following: ear piercing as hereinafter defined, medical or surgical procedures performed by or under the supervision of a licensed physician, or dental procedures performed by or under the supervision of a licensed dentist.
   DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES. The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services.
   EAR PIERCING. The piercing of the fatty lobe part of the ear by an ear piercing gun. The piercing of any other part of the ear, or the use of any other procedure other than the ear piercing gun, shall be considered body piercing.
   HEALTH DEPARTMENT. The Dare County Health Department.
   LICENSEE. An individual, firm, corporation, company, or association that applies for a body piercing business license for the purpose of owning and/or operating a body piercing business.
   OSTEOPATH. Includes any person licensed and authorized to practice osteopathic medicine pursuant to the laws of the state.
   PATRON. Any person over the age of 18 years who receives a body piercing under such circumstances that is reasonably expected that he will pay money or give any other consideration for the body piercing or the object to be inserted therein.
   PHYSICIAN. Includes any person licensed and authorized to practice medicine pursuant to the laws of the state.
   PLANNING AND INSPECTIONS, PLANNING, and/or POLICE DEPARTMENTS. The Planning and Police Departments.
   PLANNING DIRECTOR. The Town Planning Director.
   TAX COLLECTOR. The Town Tax Collector.
   ZONING ADMINISTRATOR. The Town Zoning Administrator.
(Ord. 01-07, passed 7-25-01)