The business districts are established to protect public health, to promote public safety, comfort, convenience and the general welfare, and to protect the economic base of the city and the value of property. These general purposes include, among others, the following specific objectives:
   (A)   To promote the most desirable use of land per a well-considered plan so that adequate space is provided in appropriate locations for the various types of business uses, thereby protecting and strengthening the economic base of the city.
   (B)   To place in separate districts those businesses which may create noise, odors, hazards, unsightliness or which may generate excessive traffic.
   (C)   To permit selected business uses in districts where adjacency to or inclusion in a residential area has sufficient elements of service or convenience to such areas to offset the disadvantage.
   (D)   To encourage the grouping in appropriate locations of compatible business uses which will tend to draw trade that is mutually interchangeable and so promote public convenience and business prosperity and contribute to the alleviation of traffic and pedestrian congestion.
   (E)   To provide for the establishment of off-street parking facilities, permitted and required, so as to alleviate traffic congestion and so promote shopping convenience and business prosperity.
('71 Code, § 11-4-4) (Ord. 1413, passed 9-13-60)