(A)   Definitions. For the purpose of this subsection, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      BUSINESS PARKING LOT. Any privately owned parking lot providing free parking during business hours adjacent to any store, office building, commercial building or industrial building, for the convenience of employees and customers or patrons.
      LOITERING. Remaining idle in one location, including walking around aimlessly, and sitting or standing in or out of a motor vehicle.
      PERSON. Any person, firm, corporation or association.
   (B)   Loitering prohibited. No person shall loiter on private property that is customarily used by the public as an integral part of a commercial venture in such a manner as to:
      (1)   Disturb the peace as defined by state law or city ordinance;
      (2)   Obstruct the free passage of pedestrians or vehicles;
      (3)   Obstruct or interfere with any person lawfully seeking access or the use of the commercial enterprise conducted on the property or adjacent or continuous to said private property.
   (C)   Notice. No person shall be guilty of a violation of this subsection unless:
      (1)   The property owner or tenant shall post the property with "NO LOITERING" signs or other notices of like meaning at the entrance or entrances to the property; and
      (2)   The person to be charged with loitering has been asked by the owner or tenant of the property, by an employee of the owner or tenant, by a security officer or by a law enforcement officer to leave the property and has failed to leave.
(Ord. 3337, passed 1-28-02) Penalty, see § 130.99