It shall be unlawful for any person to refuse, obstruct or interfere with the City Sealer or his assistants in any manner or way in the performance of his duties hereunder, or to change or alter any; certificate issued by him, or any such stamp or seal affixed to any such weight or measure, or to destroy any such stamp, seal or certificate while the same is in force, or to change any weight or measure or make the same inaccurate, incorrect or false after it has been inspected, stamped or sealed hereunder, or to refuse or obstruct any such inspection herein authorized, or to use inaccurate, incorrect, or false weight or measure, or to sell or offer for sale any property, commodity, article or thing for any standard quality, weight or amount as herein fixed that is in fact less in quality, weight or amount
('71 Code, § 1-32-11) Penalty, see § 10.99