Every taxicab operated upon the streets of the city shall be kept and maintained in a good and safe mechanical condition.
   (A)   Every such taxicab during the month of January and the month of July of each year shall be subjected to the safety test hereinafter provided at an official posting station as established and set up by ILCS Ch. 625, Act 5, § 13-101 et seq. Said safety test shall include the testing and inspection of brakes, lights, horns, reflectors, rear view mirrors, safety chains, frames, axle, body, wheels, steering apparatus and other safety devices and appliances. The passing of the safety test shall not be a bar at any time to prosecution for operating or causing to be operated a taxicab not in good and safe mechanical condition.
   (B)   If the taxicab is in safe mechanical condition the operator of the official testing station shall at once issue and affix to said taxicab a certificate of safety which shall at all times be displayed on said taxicab. No certificate of safety issued during the first six months of any year shall be of any effect after August of that year and no such certificate issued during the second six months of any year shall be of any effect after February 1 of the succeeding year.
   (C)   No taxicab shall be operated upon the streets, alleys or public places of the city without having been tested as herein required or without having said certificate of safety displayed on said taxicab.
('71 Code, § 4-16-6) Penalty, see § 10.99