Those streets shall be numbered on what is known as the Philadelphia or St. Louis plan of 100 numbers to each block and one number for each 25 feet as base lines, beginning with the number 100 at each base line, North, South, East or West, as the case may be. Even numbers shall be assigned to the east and north sides of each block, odd numbers to the west and south side of each block. All streets that neither touch nor cross either of said base streets shall be numbered in the same manner as though they crossed said base streets.
('71 Code, § 5-9-3)
Any owner or occupant of any lot or building, desiring to place upon it the number thereof, shall make application to the City Engineer who shall, under the direction of the Council, designate the number appropriate to such building in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
('71 Code, § 5-9-4)
All numbers placed upon buildings in the city shall consist of figures not less than two inches in height and shall be displayed in a conspicuous manner and placed on the front of the building for which the same are designated.
('71 Code, § 5-9-5) Penalty, see § 97.999
It shall be unlawful for any railroad company, conductor, engineer or other person to stop any engine, car or train of cars, or permit the same to be done, upon any railroad track at the crossing of any street or alley intersecting such railroad in the city so as to obstruct the passageway across such railroad for a longer period than five minutes at any one time.
('71 Code, § 9-9-1) Penalty, see § 97.999
In the event that any railroad company or corporation fails or refuses to construct, alter or repair any crossing, culvert or bridge when duly notified to do so by a member of the Police Department, the City Council may order at the expense of the city, such crossing, culvert or bridge to be constructed, altered or repaired, and such company or corporation shall thereupon be liable to the city in an action of debt for the cost and expense thereof.
('71 Code, § 9-9-2)
The bell of each locomotive engine shall be rung continually while running upon any railroad track within the city; and every locomotive engine, car or train of cars running in the nighttime on any railroad track in the city shall have and keep a bright and conspicuous light at the forward end of such locomotive engine, car or train of cars. If such engine or train shall be backing, it shall have conspicuous light at the rear of the engine or train, so as to show the direction in which the same is moving.
('71 Code, § 9-9-4) Penalty, see § 97.999
It shall be unlawful for any person or company to leave or cause to be left or kept upon any railroad track within the city any car or cars which have been used for hauling stock without the same having been first thoroughly cleaned and freed from obnoxious odors.
('71 Code, § 9-9-6) Penalty, see § 97.999
It shall be unlawful for any railroad company, conductor, engineer or other person to cause to be run over or injured by any engine, car or train any hose laid across any railroad track for the purpose of extinguishing fire.
('71 Code, § 9-9-3) Penalty, see § 97.999