Every dedicated street (alleys excluded) intersection shall have a street light for which the city will pay the electric bill. If the distance between intersections is greater than 500 feet, then street lights will be placed so that the distance between lights is no greater than 500 feet. The type of light will be determined by the City Manager, or his designee, based on the recommendation of the utility company with respect to the most energy efficient light. Installation of lights and if necessary new poles will be subject to budget considerations. Priority for new lights and poles will be given to areas where residents pay the city for the initial cost of installing a new light and if necessary a new pole. This provision shall not be construed so as to give a right to any person to demand the installation of a street light or pole whether the light is requested for an existing street, a new subdivision or along a new street.
(Ord. 2807, passed 11-9-92)