(A)   The following criteria outlines the standard practice for the placement of "Deaf Child in Area", "Blind Child in Area", and "Child with Autism in Area" traffic signs in Kewanee.
   (B)   A written request shall be submitted to the City Clerk by a parent or legal guardian of the child along with:
   (C)   A doctor's statement that the child is severely blind, deaf or autistic.
   (D)   Proof of the child's date of birth.
   (E)   Proof of residency.
   (F)   The child must be under the age of 18 years.
   (G)   An agreement shall be executed by the parent or guardian attesting to their agreement with the following provisions:
      (1)   They certify that a child (person under 18 years of age) with a qualifying impairment resides at the address listed on the application, and that if this condition changes, they will notify the City Clerk.
      (2)   They agree to accept the sign format, design, structure, and location determined by the city in compliance with all pertinent state signing standards.
      (3)   They will hold the city harmless in the event the signs are placed and an injury occurs to the qualifying child while the signs are in place.
      (4)   They will hold the city harmless in the event the signs are not placed or are removed and injury occurs to the qualifying child.
      (5)   They accept the terms and conditions and agree to fully comply with the terms of this Schedule VII and that the city may remove any sign for failure to comply with these terms.
      (6)   They shall reimburse the city for the cost of the sign(s), poles and mounting hardware.
   (H)   The signs shall only be placed on low volume, low speed local streets.
   (I)   Parent or legal guardian must notify the City Clerk if their residence changes or when the child turns 18 years of age. Failure by the child to maintain residence in the area, or attaining the age of 18 years will cause the sign to be removed.
   (J)   Signs shall be located and erected according to the standards of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
   (K)   Installation of sign(s) covered by this Schedule VII shall not be installed until and unless the provisions above have been complied with and an ordinance has been adopted to provide for placement of said sign(s).
Direction of Travel
Sign Type
Ordinance Number
900 block N. Chestnut Street
Child with Autism in Area
1000 block N. Chestnut Street
Child with Autism in Area
(Ord. 3792, passed 4-13-15)