At every meeting of the City Council at which a quorum is present, the order of business shall be as follows:
   (A)   Call to order.
   (B)   Pledge of Allegiance.
   (C)   Approval of minutes.
   (D)   Presentation of payroll, bills and claims.
   (E)   Staff reports.
   (F)   Citizen participation. (In addition, the Chair shall permit citizen participation on individual agenda items.)
   (G)   Business.
   (H)   Council communications.
   (I)   Announcements.
   (J)   Adjournment.
('71 Code, § 1-6-7) (Am. Ord. 3158, passed 5-11-98; Am. Ord. 3532, passed 4-9-07; Am. Ord. 3540, passed 6-11-07)