§ 20-67 FILL.
   Fill is discouraged because the storage capacity is removed from floodplains. Elevating buildings by other methods must be considered. An applicant shall demonstrate that fill is the only alternative to raising the building to at least one foot above the base flood elevation, and that the amount of fill used will not affect the flood storage capacity or adversely affect adjacent properties. The following provisions shall apply to all fill placed in the special flood hazard area.
   (A)   Fill may not be placed in the floodway unless it is in accordance with § 20-66(A) of this chapter.
   (B)   Fill may not be placed in tidal or non-tidal wetlands without the required state and federal permits.
   (C)   Fill must consist of soil and rock materials only. Dredged material may be used as fill only upon certification of suitability by a registered professional geotechnical engineer. Landfills, rubble fills, dumps and sanitary fills are not permitted in the floodplain.
   (D)   Fill used to support structures must comply with ASTM Standard D-698, and its suitability to support structures certified by a registered professional engineer.
   (E)   Fill slopes shall be no greater than two horizontal to one vertical. Flatter slopes may be required where velocities may result in erosion.
   (F)   The use of fill shall not increase flooding or cause drainage problems on neighboring properties.
   (G)   Fill may not be used for structural support in the coastal high hazard areas.
(Ord. 102, passed 2-3-2003)