Historic Preservation
1393.01   Purpose.
1393.02   Definitions.
1393.03   Establishment and Composition.
1393.04   Meetings and Records.
1393.05    Powers and Duties.
1393.06   Procedures for the Identification and Designation of Contributing Properties, Local Historic Properties and Historic Preservation Districts.
1393.07    Certificate of Appropriateness Required.
1393.08   Procedures for Certificate of Appropriateness
1393.09   Design Review Standards for Certificate of Appropriateness.
1393.10   Demolition
1393.11   Maintenance.
1393.12   Appeals.
1393.13   Penalty.
1393.14   Severability.
1393.01 PURPOSE.
   (a)   The purposes of this Chapter are:
      (1)   To stabilize and increase property values;
      (2)   To strengthen the local economy;
      (3)   To protect, preserve and enhance the distinctive architectural and cultural heritage of historic buildings and historic areas in the City of Kent;
      (4)   To foster civic pride in the beauty of the historic preservation district;
      (5)   To seek alternatives to demolition or incompatible alterations within designated areas and to listed properties before such acts are performed;
      (6)   To afford the widest possible scope of continuing vitality and architectural creativity within appropriate controls and standards;
      (7)   To encourage development of vacant properties that is compatible with local historic character;
      (8)   To protect the property right of owners whose property lies within a designated historic preservation district; and
      (9)   To protect and enhance the City's attractions to prospective residents, businesses and tourists.
   (b)   The requirements of this Chapter must be met in addition to the established requirements and standards of the Zoning Ordinance, and other applicable ordinances of the City.
   (c)   Where conflicts exist between requirements of this Chapter and other ordinances adopted by Council, the most strict interpretation shall apply and thereby supersede the less strict requirements. (Ord. 2012-21. Passed 2-15-12.)