Annual Registration of Vacant Houses and Buildings and Registration Fees
1341.01   Purpose.
1341.02    Definitions and applicability; registration statement and fees.
1341.03   Application.
1341.04   Applicability.
1341.05   Issuance.
1341.06   Vacated Building Maintenance Standards.
1341.07   Registration statement and fees; local agent; postings.
1341.08   Procedure for Renewal.
1341.09   Appeal rights.
1341.10   One time waiver of registration fee.
1341.11   Two-year waiver.
1341.12   Delinquent registration fees as a lien.
1341.13   Duty to amend registration statement.
1341.14   Exceptions.
1341.15   General liability and fire/casualty insurance requirements.
1341.16   Board of Zoning Appeals.
1341.17   Grounds for appeal.
1341.99   Violations and penalties.