The site plan shall be a complete set of site improvement plans prepared by a qualified professional and shall include a boundary survey, shall be neatly drawn to a legible scale and shall show topographical features of the lot, building placement and activity areas, and shall include a plan of the utility services, a circulation and parking plan, a planting and landscape plan and complete engineering and constructional details and notes and shall include the following minimum data and information:
   (a)   The use and ownership of adjacent properties, the location of structures, drives and other physical features, including ground elevations within fifty feet of the site boundary and the distance to the nearest street intersection.
   (b)   Existing and proposed elevations on the site including elevations at building corners, property corners, sidewalks, streets, storm and sanitary sewers, building floors, etc. Adequate elevations shall be provided to show that the site will adequately drain and that the grades of the ground and structures will be within acceptable design limits. A minimum of two vertical benchmarks shall be shown on the plan.
   (c)   Sanitary sewer plan complete with pipe type, size, location, grade and elevations at the building wall and at the point of connection to the public sewer together with data indicating the proposed quantity and composition of the sanitary waste.
   (d)   Storm sewer plan complete with pipe type, size, location, grade and elevations for all site drainage including roof drain connections to the storm sewer together with stormwater run-off calculations, pipe size calculations, drainage area map and retention or detention calculations (where required).
   (e)   Water service plan showing pipe size, location and grade, location of connection to City water main, location of curb box, size, type and location of water meter and calculations of pipe size based upon the estimated peak water usage.
   (f)   Geometric layout of the site showing complete dimensions of building, roads, drives, parking areas, utilities, landscaping and other site elements with adequate detail and dimensions to allow construction without the need to scale from the plan to determine the designer's intended location. Dimensions shall be shown to property lines and property corners. Property pins or other approved markers shall be set and shown at all property corners and property line stakes shall be set where, due to topography, length of line or obstructions, the location of the property line cannot be determined by sighting from property corner to property corner.
   (g)   A description of site soils and a statement concerning their effect upon the design and construction of the improvements.
   (h)   Construction detail drawings of manholes, catch basins, trenches, pavements, walks, curb cuts, sewer lines, water lines and all appurtenances.
   (i)   A detailed, itemized engineer's estimate of quantities and costs for construction of the site improvements. (Ord. 2001-71. Passed 7-18-01.)