(a) Awning and Canopy Signs. Awning and canopy signs may be permitted only as an integral part of the awning or canopy to which they are attached or applied and must meet the following conditions:
(1) Location. Signs may be placed only on awnings or canopies that are located on first-story and second-story building frontages, including those fronting a parking lot or pedestrian way.
(2) Prohibited Locations. Awnings and canopies must not extend beyond the width of the building or tenant space, nor encroach above the roof line.
(3) Extension. Such signs must not extend more than six (6) feet from the face of the building to which they are attached.
(4) Minimum clearance. A minimum clearance of eight (8) feet must be maintained above sidewalks.
(5) Illumination. Internal illumination is prohibited.
(b) Blade Signs.
(1) Location. Blade signs must be placed only on a ground floor facade, except for businesses located above the ground level with direct exterior pedestrian access.
(2) Height above finished grade. The lowest point of a blade signs must be at least eight (8) feet but no more than fifteen (15) feet above finished grade. Blade signs must not extend vertically above the roof line.
(3) Maximum Distance from the Wall. The distance between a blade sign and the wall to which it is attached may not be greater than twenty-four (24) inches.
(4) Sign structure. Sign supports and brackets must be compatible with the design and scale of the sign. Brackets and/or hardware for the sign may not extend more than four inches from the outside face of the sign.
(5) Square footage. A maximum of six (6) square feet will be allowed.
(6) Illumination. Internal illumination is prohibited.
(7) Minimum Setback from Intersections. Blade signs must not be located closer than ten (10) feet to any intersecting of a public right-of-way with another public right-of-way.
(8) Review of Blade Signs in the Public Right-of-Way. Prior to the erection of a sign overhanging a public right-of-way, the person erecting such sign must receive the approval of the City.
(9) Design of Hardware, Supports, and Brackets. Mounting hardware, such as supports and brackets, must complement the design of the sign, the building, or both. See Figure 33.
(c) Banner or Pennant Signs - Banner or Pennant Signs are Temporary Signs and subject to the following conditions:
(1) Maximum Number. No more than one (1) banner may be displayed on the property at any one time. At the discretion of the Community Development Department, a second banner or pennant sign may be permitted.
(2) Permits per year. Banner and Pennant signs are subject to the same display periods as any other Temporary Sign governed by Section 1109.09
(3) Maximum Height. A Banner or Pennant Sign must not be displayed above the roof line of any structure.
(4) Attachment. A Banner or pennant sign must be safely secured to a building, structure, pole, framing, or stake. If a stake or structure is used, the stake or structure must be removed at the time the banner is removed. A Banner or Pennant Sign that is not attached on all sides to a building must have ventilated faces to reduce wind load if the banner is more than five (5) feet in length.
(d) Monument Signs.
(1) Minimum Setback from Intersections. Monument signs must not be closer than 10 feet to any intersection of a public right-of-way with another public right-of-way or with the pavement of any driveway or alley.
(2) Base material of Monument Signs. Must have a solid supporting base equal to or greater than the width of the sign face constructed of a decorative and durable material (e.g., masonry, brick, stone, or stucco), and must have no separations between the sign face and the base. The exposed base of a monument sign may not exceed two (2) feet in height from grade. The base will be included when calculating the height of the sign.
(3) Cantilever signs. The post used to anchor cantilever signs must be wood or another natural material such as brick or stone.
(4) Landscaping. For every two (2) square feet of monument sign, one (1) square foot of planting or lawn must be provided and maintained, at the base of the sign. Landscaping is not required on temporary, freestanding signs.
(5) Location. The monument sign must be located along frontage adjoining a public street.
(6) Setbacks. The front setback for monument signs must be ten (10) feet from the public right-of-way line unless otherwise stated. The sign must also meet the side yard setback for the applicable zoning district unless otherwise stated.
(7) Substitution of Monument Size. A monument sign by Code is less intrusive than an existing pole sign if the size of the monument sign, not including its base, is equal to or less than the size of the pole sign it is replacing.
(e) Joint Identification Signs. See. Monument Signs.
(1) Type. Primary and secondary freestanding joint identification signs must be monument signs and comply with all monument sign requirements.(see subsection (d)).
(f) Sandwich Board Signs.
(1) Maximum area and height. Sandwich board signs must not be more than four (4) feet high and three (3) feet in width. There must not be more than two (2) sides to such sign.
(2) Illumination. Sandwich Board signs must not be internally illuminated.
(3) Stability. The sign must be sturdy, stable, and must stay in place when experiencing typical winds without flipping over or sliding.
(4) Sign Surface Requirements. The surfaces of sandwich board signs must be durable. Copy may be painted or printed on the surface. Loose paper faces are not permitted.
(5) Use during operating hours. The sign must be taken inside the establishment when the business closes each night and must not be placed outside again until the business opens each morning. Three (3) or more violations of this provision during any sixty-day (60) period will be grounds for the City of Kent to suspend or revoke the right of the violator to have a sandwich board sign.
(6) Placement. At all times of the year, sandwich board signs must be placed directly in front of the associated building or use, a minimum of two (2) feet from the curb, and must allow a minimum of five (5) feet of unobstructed sidewalk for pedestrians. When snow is present, the sidewalk must be completely clear of snow prior to placement and sandwich board signs may not be placed on snow banks.
(7) Minimum Separation of Sandwich Board Signs. Sandwich board signs must be spaced a minimum of ten (10) feet from one another. If signs fail to meet the minimum spacing requirements, all improperly placed signs will be considered to be in violation.
(8) One Sandwich Board Sign Permitted Per Lot or Tenant Thereof. Only one (1) sandwich board sign is permitted for each lot or tenant thereof, provided that all of the requirements of this section are met.
(9) Permit requirements. A permit is not required for sandwich board signs.
(g) Wall Signs.
(1) Location. All wall signs must be mounted on the building which houses the establishment advertised by such signs, except as otherwise specifically authorized by this Code. Such signs must be located on or along a wall of such a building which abuts a street, parking lot, or service drive, and must not project above the roof edge or the cap of parapets of such building, whichever is higher.
(2) Projection from wall. All wall signs must be parallel to the wall on which they are installed. The sign must not project above the roof edge of the structure and from the surface upon which it is attached more than twelve (12) inches in a non-residential district. In a residential district, a wall sign must not project more than three (3) inches.
(3) Single Multi-Tenant Building. A single multi-tenant building that has one primary frontage, the combined sign area for all tenants may double the exceeded allowable sign area for the building.
(Ord. 2021-057. Passed 6-16-21.)
(h) Window Signs. Window Signs are permitted in any non-residential zoning district and do not require a Sign Permit. However, unless further restricted in this Chapter, all window signs must meet the following conditions:
(1) Surface Coverage. Window signs, both permanent and temporary, must not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the area within a single window pane, and the total area of window signs must not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the total window area per tenant.
(2) Illumination. Window Signs may be internally illuminated. illumjnated jnternally. Internally illuminated window signs are limited to no more than two (2) signs per tenant. and must be fixed lighting (i.e. no flashing, scrolling, dissolving, osculating, spinning, twirling, or any other type of motion). (Ord. 2023-051. Passed 8-16-23.)
(i) Changeable Signs and Electronic Message Center Signs (EMCs).
(1) Permitted Usage. EMC's are only permitted for fuel pricing display at an approved fuel station.
(2) Maximum Area. The face of the EMC may not exceed 16 square feet.
(3) Frequency of Message Changes. Copy may not change more than once every four (4) seconds. The copy of an EMC must change instantaneously. Flashing, scrolling, facing, dissolving, osculating, spinning, twirling, video display, or other type of motion or animation is prohibited.
(4) Non-Electronic and Non-Mechanical Changeable Copy. Changeable copy by non-electronic and non-mechanical means may be utilized on any permitted sign.
(5) Automatic Dimming Required for EMCs. All EMC signs are required to utilize automatic dimming capability that adjusts the brightness to the ambient light at all times of the day and night, either by photocell (hardwired) or via software settings.
(7) Maximum EMCs per Lot. Only one (1) EMC sign is permitted on a lot.
(8) Audio Prohibited. Changeable signs and EMCs may not utilize audio devices to create sound.
(j) Nameplate Signs.
(1) Maximum Number. One (1) nameplate sign is permitted per building address.
(2) Maximum Area. Nameplate signs must not to exceed two (2) square feet in area in residential zoning districts and four (4) square feet in area in all other zoning districts.
(3) Location. Nameplate signs must be attached to the building and located within (10) feet of an entrance to the building.
(4) Materials. Nameplate signs must be constructed of durable materials.
(k) Temporary Signs.
(1) Permit Required. Temporary freestanding signs, wall signs, banners, and pennants are the only type of temporary sign that require a sign permit. Signs advertising garage or yard sales are regulated by Chapter 769 of the Kent Codified Ordinances (KCO), as amended.
(2) Electronic Message Center Signs (EMC). Electronic, changeable copy is prohibited on temporary signs.
(3) Maximum Number.
A. On lots of five (5) acres or less, no more than one (1) temporary sign is permitted at any one time.
B. On lots of five (5) acres or more, or with three (3) or more businesses, no more than two (2) temporary signs are permitted at any one time.
(4) Maximum Area: Temporary signs must not exceed forty (40) square feet in area.
(5) Minimum Setback from Street Right-of-Way: Except for the C-D zoning district, temporary signs must not be located closer than ten (10) feet from the public right-of-way line.
(6) Maximum Height: Temporary signs must be no more than four (4) feet in height.
(7) Mounting brackets and posts: All materials used to anchor the temporary sign, including mounting brackets and posts, must be removed when the temporary sign is removed.
(9) Duration. Temporary signs must not be displayed more than forty-five (45) days in a six (6)-month period.
(l) Directional Signs.
(1) Maximum Height. Directional signs must not be more than three (3) feet in height.
(2) Maximum Area. Directional signs must not be more than three (3) square feet.
(3) Maximum Number. Only two (2) directional signs are permitted per access point.
(4) Exempt. Directional signs do not count towards the number of signs or total area of signs permitted in any specified zoning district.
(m) Political Signs. At the discretion of the owner, signs containing a relevant political message (as opposed to an advertisement for a financial enterprise, business, or other non-political message) may be deemed political signs and are therefore exempt from size and content restrictions. Political signs must, however, be removed or replaced after sixty (60) days. The Zoning Inspector may order the sign removed or replaced sooner if the sign has become weathered, tattered, torn, or otherwise defaced. Political signs remain subject to the prohibition in Section 1109.08
(k) against obscene signs.
(Ord. 2021-057. Passed 6-16-21.)