(A)   Pursuant to the authority granted by state law, including, without limitation, § 11-1-6 of the Illinois Municipal Code, whenever the Village President determines that a civil emergency exists in
the village, the Village President shall have the extraordinary power and authority to exercise by executive order all such powers of the corporate authorities and other officers of the village as may be reasonably necessary or appropriate to eliminate or minimize the dangers arising from such civil emergency and for the protection of the health, safety and general welfare of the public; provided, however, that prior to exercising any such extraordinary power and authority, the Village President shall have executed under oath a written declaration of civil emergency containing the following:
      (1)   An express declaration that a civil emergency exists; and
      (2)   A statement of facts known to the Village President, either directly or upon information and belief, which describes the nature of the civil emergency and substantiates the finding that a civil emergency exists.
   (B)   Unless expressly stated otherwise, a declaration issued pursuant to this section shall be considered a local disaster declaration made pursuant to § 11 of the Emergency Management Agency Act.
(Ord. 1259, passed 4-20-2020)