All applications for drainage and grading permits shall be submitted on forms provided by the code official, in a number of copies as the code official shall require, and shall include the following:
   (A)   Documentation demonstrating that the applicant has an ownership interest in the subject property, or written authorization by the property owner to proceed with the regulated activity.
   (B)   A plat of survey for the subject property.
   (C)   Engineering plans showing all aspects of the regulated activity. The engineering plans shall include:
      (1)   A north arrow;
      (2)   A drawing scale;
      (3)   A benchmark and datum, which benchmark for major projects shall be referenced to NAVD88;
      (4)   The property lines for the subject property;
      (5)   All easements recorded against or affecting the subject property;
      (6)   Existing and proposed ground elevations on the subject property and extending ten feet beyond the limits of the proposed regulated activity for a minor project, or ten feet beyond the limits of the subject property for a major project. One-foot contour intervals shall be shown for all projects. When, in the judgement of the code official, one-foot contour intervals are insufficient to show the drainage patterns, 0.5-foot contour intervals shall be shown;
      (7)   Buildings and other structures located on the subject property;
      (8)   Village sewers and water mains located on or adjacent to the subject property;
      (9)   Private storm drains;
      (10)   Utility service lines;
      (11)   Existing and proposed trees and shrubs;
      (12)   Existing and proposed top-of-foundation elevations;
      (13)   Existing and proposed lowest floor elevations;
      (14)   Locations and elevations of existing and proposed downspouts, foundations, and window wells on the subject property;
      (15)   Locations and elevations of downspouts, foundations, and window wells on adjacent properties within ten feet of the lot line;
      (16)   Existing and proposed impervious areas;
      (17)   Existing and proposed pervious or porous pavements;
      (18)   Areas of temporary ground disturbance;
      (19)   Stockpile locations for spoil materials;
      (20)   Soil erosion and sediment control measures;
      (21)   Specifications for seeding or other methods of site stabilization;
      (22)   Details of construction;
      (23)   Dimensions of the proposed regulated activity; and
      (24)   Signature and seal of a licensed professional engineer.
   (D)   All applicable consultations, waivers, approvals, and permits from federal, state, and local authorities.
   (E)   The site-specific seasonal high groundwater elevation, as determined by a qualified professional engineer, if the regulated activity lowers the lowest floor elevation of the previous or pre-existing building.
   (F)   Detention calculations, prepared by a licensed professional engineer, if applicable.
   (G)   Depressional storage area calculations, prepared by a licensed professional engineer, if applicable.
(Ord. 1178, passed 10-17-2016)