The following sections of the aforesaid International Fire, Code 2015, edition are hereby amended, deleted or modified as hereinafter set forth:
Section Number
Section Title
Additions, Deletions and Modifications
Section Number
Section Title
Additions, Deletions and Modifications
Insert “the Village of Kenilworth, Cook County, Illinois” for [name of jurisdiction].”
Board of appeals
Delete entire section.
Amend subsection as follows:“An operational permit shall remain in effect until reissued, renewed, or revoked, or for such a period of time as specified in the permit.”
Authority to disconnect service utilities
Delete “…in writing…” in the last sentence.
Section 202
General Definitions
Add the following definition: “FOOD TRUCK AND MOBILE FOOD VENDOR: A vendor with a selfcontained food service operation, located in a readily movable motorized wheeled vehicle, towed vehicle or food cart, used to store, prepare, display and/or serve food intended for individual portion service.”
Outdoor fires; outdoor fireplaces, outdoor pizza ovens and fire pits
Delete and substitute:
A.   “Outdoor fires in general. All outdoor fires, recreational or otherwise, shall be subject to the following requirements:
   i.   All outdoor fires shall be under continuous competent supervision.
   ii.   No outdoor fire, including but not limited to, fires in outdoor fireplaces, outdoor pizza ovens, fire pits and similar devices, shall be used in such a manner or location that it causes any building fire alarm to activate or that it otherwise creates a hazardous or objectionable condition.
   iii.   All outdoor pizza ovens must be equipped with a chimney with a spark arrestor installed in good working condition.
B.   Outdoor fireplaces, outdoor pizza ovens and fire pits. All portable outdoor fireplaces, outdoor pizza ovens, fire pits and similar devices, and all such devices that are permanently installed, shall be located and operated at least fifteen (15) feet from any building. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the operation of a permanent outdoor fireplace, outdoor pizza oven, fire pit or similar device that was lawfully installed before July 17, 2012, shall be permitted, provided that such operation complies with the above Section 307.4.3.a.
C.   Authority to extinguish. The Building Commissioner is authorized to order the extinguishment of any outdoor fire that is not in compliance with this code or that otherwise creates a hazardous or objectionable condition.”
Section 319
Food Truck and Mobile Food Vendor Prevention Codes
Add the following subsections and paragraphs:
A.   319.1 General safety. The following requirements shall apply:
   i.   Obtain proper permits from the Village.
   ii.   A 10# ABC Fire extinguisher is required for all food trucks.
   iii.   Workers must be knowledgeable in operations of fire protection systems, utility shut-offs, emergency procedures and access to fire/police.
   iv.   A K-Type extinguisher is required for any grease cooking operation.
   v.   Food truck to provide a 10-foot clearance from all buildings, other vehicles and combustible materials. Variations require approval of the Fire Chief.
   vi.   All exhaust from the truck or generator shall be directed away from and a minimum of 10 feet from any intake, opening or means of egress.
   vii.   A fire department access road must be maintained.
   viii.   The use of a tent or canopy will require a separate permit.
B.   319.2 Generator safety. The following requirements shall apply:
    i.   All fuel tanks are to be filled to proper capacity for continuous service prior to the start of the event.
   ii.   Generators shall be shut-down and cooled prior to refueling.
   iii.   All electrical appliances and generators shall comply with the Electrical Code (NFPA70 - 2014).
   iv.   Generators attached to the vehicles shall be enclosed in a vented housing and away from public access.
   v.   Cords in the walkways or exit paths must be covered to prevent trips/falls.
   vi.   Generators shall be properly grounded.
C.   319.3 LPG Gas safety. The following requirements shall apply:
   i.   All gas shut-offs shall be readily accessible.
   ii.   LPG tanks shall be stored in the upright position and secured to prevent from falling over.
   iii.   All LPG tanks shall be inspected for leaks prior to use.
   iv.   No LPG tank is permitted to be stored in the vehicle during operations.
   v.   Tanks stored outside the vehicle should be 10 feet from any building, combustible materials or any other vehicle.
   vi.   Keep LPG tanks out of direct sunlight and from general public access.
   vii.   All LPG lines and fittings must be listed for LPG use.
D.   319.4 Wood/charcoal cooking. The following requirements shall apply:
   i.   Wood/charcoal shall be stored not less than 3 feet from cooking area.
   ii.   Fuel should not be stored near food supply, combustible materials, ignition sources or chemicals.
   iii.   Ashes must be placed into a closed metal container a minimum of 3 feet from the cooking area.
   iv.   Ashes should not be disposed of in public waste containers.
Address Identification
Delete and substitute: “Assigned numbers for new and existing buildings shall be provided with approved address identification. The address identification shall be legible and places in a position that is visible from the street or road fronting the property and displayed by the owner or occupant within 30 days after notice from the Building Commissioner. Address identification characters shall contrast with their background. Address numbers shall be Arabic numbers or alphabetical letters. Numbers shall not be spelled out. Each character shall be not less than 4 inches high with a minimum stroke width of 1/2 inch. Where access is by means of a private road and the building cannot be viewed from the public way, a monument, pole or other sign or means shall be used to identify the structure.”
Rear and side access
Delete and substitute: “In addition to the premise’s identification, all buildings except for one- and two-family dwellings shall have their address posted on any rear and/or side door. The signage shall include the address, the name of the street and business name or building name. The sign shall be installed at a height of approximately five feet above the standing surface. The sign shall be installed immediately to the side of the door, so it is visible with the door in the open or closed position. All other installation locations shall be approved by the Fire Chief.”
Address Maintenance
Add new subsection: “Address identification shall be maintained.”
Emergency key access requirement
Add new second paragraph:
”The owner of any building or structure that is not a single-family or two-family dwelling, and that is protected by an automatic sprinkler system and/or an automatic fire detection system shall purchase, install and maintain an emergency key access system consisting of a locked box of a type and in a location prescribed by the Fire Chief. The key box shall contain:
1.   Keys to locked points of ingress whether on the interior or exterior of such building or structure;
2.   Keys to locked mechanical equipment rooms;
3.   Keys to locked electrical equipment rooms;
4.   Keys to elevator controls;
5.   Keys to the fire alarm equipment; and
6.   Keys to other areas as directed by the Fire Chief.”
Emergency key access to gates
Add new subsection: “Security gates restricting access to private residences shall provide, install and maintain a ‘Knox’ emergency key access system, either a key box or key switch, allowing first responders access to their property.”
Storage and display of Christmas trees
Add new subsection: “Christmas trees stored or displayed for sale shall be outside of buildings at a distance of at least 10 feet from any building or structure, except that such trees may be stored closer to a blank masonry wall with the permission of the owner of such wall. No Christmas trees may be stored or displayed within 35 feet of any gasoline pump. Trees remaining on hand after December 25th of any year shall be removed from the premises not later than December 31st of the same year.”
 3404. Tanks abandoned in place. Delete entire section.
 Appendices Adopt by Reference:
Appendix B: Fire-Flow Requirements for Buildings
Appendix C: Fire Hydrant Locations and Distribution C. Appendix D: Fire Apparatus Access Roads
Appendix I: Fire Protection Systems - Noncompliant Conditions.”
Standpipe Height
“A standpipe and hose system, installed in accordance with the standards set forth in Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems, NFPA Publication 14, 2016 Edition, shall be installed in all buildings, other than one- and two-family dwellings, that are more than two stories in height, regardless of the height of any such buildings measured in linear terms, such as feet or meters.”
Storage and sale of explosives
Delete in entirety and substitute: “No person shall have, store, sell, transport or give away to any user or consumer any gunpowder, dynamite, blasting power, nitroglycerine, rocket fuel or any other explosive of like nature, within the limits of the Village, except that this regulation shall not prohibit the storage of loaded shells for small arms nor the hand loading of small arms ammunition for private personal use (but not for resale), or use by law-enforcing agencies.”
Use of explosives
Delete in entirety and substitute: “No person shall use or discharge any gunpowder, dynamite, blasting powder, nitroglycerine, rocket fuel or other explosive of like nature, within the limits of the Village, excepting for blasting operations in accordance with the terms and conditions of a permit to be issued by the Fire Chief in his or her reasonable discretion.”
Possession and sales of fireworks prohibited
Add the following:
A.   “Possession and Sale Prohibited. No person shall possess, sell, offer for sale, loan or give away, to any retail dealer, consumer or user in the Village, any article or substance of an explosive nature designed or intended to be used as fireworks, including but not limited to any toy pistol, toy gun, toy cannon, blank cartridge, firecracker, sparkler, rocket, torpedo squib or colored fire, except in accordance with a permit for a supervised public display issued by the Village Manager pursuant to rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Trustees.
B.   Use. No person shall use, give away, offer for sale, sell, fire, discharge or set off within the limits of the Village any article, or any substance of any explosive nature, including without limitation blank cartridges, firecrackers, sparklers and colored fire designed or intended to be used as fireworks except in accordance with a permit for supervised public display issued by the Village Manager pursuant to rules and regulations adopted by the Council. Sky lanterns are prohibited to be used within the Village. Storage of fireworks for permitted public display shall be in accordance with the 2015 International Fire Code and shall be limited to a period of not more than 15 days prior to date of use.
C.   Violations and penalties. Any person who violates this section shall be subject to a fine and/or penalty established by the Board of Trustees by resolution from time to time.”
LP-gas cylinder exchange for resale
Add paragraph 5:
“5. The outside storage of LPG containers pending their use, sale or resale, including containers stored outside as part of a cylinder exchange program, shall not exceed a combined total of 120 gallons (twenty-four 25-pound cylinders) water capacity.”
Tanks abandoned in place
Delete entire section
Adopt by Reference:
A.   Appendix B: Fire-Flow Requirements for Buildings
B.   Appendix C: Fire Hydrant Locations and Distribution
C.   Appendix D: Fire Apparatus Access Roads
D.   Appendix I: Fire Protection Systems - Noncompliant Conditions.”
(Ord. 727, passed 4-14-1986; Ord. 1010, passed 4-13-2009; Ord. 1241, passed 4-15-2019)