(A)   An application for a permit to solicit shall be made to the Village Manager upon forms provided by the village. The application shall be sworn to and filed with the Village Manager at least 15 days prior to the time the applicant intends to begin solicitation.
   (B)   The form shall ask the applicant to provide the following information:
      (1)   Names and addresses of persons who will be in direct charge of conducting the solicitation;
      (2)   Names and addresses of promoters connected with the proposed solicitation;
      (3)   The purpose or purposes for which the solicited contributions are to be used;
      (4) The maximum number of solicitors the applicant expects to be active at one time;
      (5)   The state registration number assigned by the Attorney General pursuant to 225 ILCS 460/2, if the applicant has a number; and
      (6)   The applicant’s best estimate of the cost of solicitation. The applicant may pro-rate the salaries, commissions, employees’ benefits or other remuneration paid to anyone who performs functions in addition to being a solicitor and provide only the pro-rated portion of that expenditure on the form provided for in this section.
   (C)   The Village Manager shall have the authority to demand from the applicant any other information, provided the demanded information is necessary to determine whether the applicant meets the criteria specified in paragraphs (B)(1) through (B)(6) above.
   (D)   While an application is pending or during the term of any permit, if there is any change in the information given in the application, the applicant shall notify the Village Manager in writing thereof within 24 hours after the change.
   (E)   The Village Manager shall, within 15 days after the date of the application, issue a permit unless the Village Manager finds that:
      (1)   Any statement made in the application is untrue;
      (2)   The applicant or any solicitor has, within the last year, engaged in fraud in connection with a solicitation, or been convicted of crime involving dishonesty or false statement;
      (3)   The persons soliciting under the direct charge of the applicant or the applicant will do any of the following:
         (a)   Use a method of solicitation which will violate any other village ordinance or any federal or state law;
         (b)   Unreasonably impede the passage of pedestrians or vehicles along public sidewalks or streets or other public property;
         (c)   Intentionally make physical contact with others without their consent;
         (d)   Solicit at times during which soliciting has been prohibited by village ordinance; or
         (e)   Solicit without agreeing to clean up or pay the cost of clean-up of litter in the streets or public places if the litter results from the solicitation.
      (4)   Within the last 90 days the applicant has had a permit issued to it under this section revoked.
   (F)   A permit issued under subsection (E) above shall be effective for six months after the effective date.
   (G)   The Village Manager may grant a permit that limits the number of solicitors that an organization may use so that there will be no more than ten solicitors active in the village at one time from all soliciting organizations combined.
   (H)   The Village Manager shall have the power to prescribe a form of identification for solicitors. The Village Manager may require solicitors to carry and produce the identification upon request of the police, any village official or any person solicited by that solicitor.
(Ord. 689, passed 1-10-1983)