It is unlawful for any person to go in or upon, or remain in or upon, any private residence, apartment or premises in the village, without first having been invited to do so by the owner or occupant thereof, for the purpose of soliciting from the occupants thereof or to canvass for orders for goods, wares, merchandise or services of any character or description, or for the purpose of offering to give or furnish or giving or furnishing any goods, wares, merchandise or services to any occupants, or to induce, invite, receive or accept orders, or to otherwise solicit, receive or accept the payment or contribution of money or a pledge of financial support, or to distribute any pamphlet, leaflet, book, brochure or other literature of any commercial, political, religious or other nature, or to canvass for or otherwise advertise, advocate or promote any commercial, political, religious or other cause, or to conduct any survey or poll, if the premises is posted with a “No Trespassing” or “No Solicitation” or “No Solicitors” or similar notice in a location that is reasonably visible to persons who enter or intend to enter upon the property.
(Ord. 899, passed 10-21-2002)