Any utility aggrieved by any order, requirement, decision or determination, including denial of a variance, made by the Superintendent or the Village Manager under the provisions of this subchapter may file a request to appeal the order, requirement, decision, or determination with the Village Clerk within 30 days after the date of such order, requirement, decision or determination. The appeal shall be made in writing and specifically state the basis for the appeal, include references to the sections of the Village Code or SWF Act thought to be improperly applies, along with other supporting information. The appeal of a determination made by the Superintendent shall be considered by the Village Manager. The Village Manager shall commence his or her review of the appeal within ten business days and shall timely decide the appeal. An appeal of a determination made by the Village Manager shall be considered by the Village Board or a committee as the Village Board shall designate from time to time based on the nature of the request for appeal. The Village Board or the designated committee shall commence its consideration of the appeal at the Board’s or committee’s next regularly scheduled meeting occurring at least seven days after the filing of the appeal. The Board of Trustees or the designated committee, as the case may be, shall timely decide the appeal. The determination of the Board or designated committee shall be final.
(Ord. 989, passed 12-10-2007; Ord. 1224, passed 8-20-2018)