Any person who breaks or otherwise damages any public sidewalk or causes or permits the breaking or damage, shall forthwith cause the same to be well and sufficiently repaired or replaced under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Village Manager. No owner or occupant of any premises shall permit or suffer any machinery or vehicle to be driven over or upon any sidewalk or parkway, except where a driveway has been provided over the same, unless the sidewalk or parkway is covered with suitable planking and there shall have been deposited with the Village Treasurer the sum of an amount as established in the annual fee ordinance to be held as security against injury to the sidewalk or parkway, which deposit or so much thereof as shall not have been used to repair any damage or restore the sidewalk or parkway and to pay all costs and expenses in connection therewith, shall be returned to the person making the deposit.
(1959 Code, § 31-19)