   Perimeter fences or walls abutting a public right-of-way shall:
   (A)   Be of a uniform style;
   (B)   Be located outside the right-of-way associated with a public street; and
   (C)   Be located outside any required streetscape landscaping. (See § 152.272 of this chapter.)
(Ord. passed 3-5-2018)  Penalty, see § 152.999
   Fences and walls may not be placed in any location that would obstruct the vision of motorists or pedestrians, or otherwise create a safety hazard.
(Ord. passed 3-5-2018)  Penalty, see § 152.999
   (A)   Chain link and metal-slat fencing. Fences and walls constructed of chain link or metal slats shall be prohibited within the front yard in all residential districts.
   (B)   Barbed wire and above ground electrified fences prohibited. Except as needed for agricultural uses, livestock, major utilities, government facilities and other public safety uses, barbed wire fences and above ground electrified fences are prohibited in all zoning districts. Underground or above ground electric fences designed for control of domestic animals are permitted.
   (C)   Debris, rolled plastic, sheet metal, plywood or other waste materials. Fences or walls made of debris, junk, rolled plastic, sheet metal, plywood or waste materials are prohibited in all zoning districts, unless such materials have been recycled and reprocessed into building materials marketed to the general public and resemble new building materials.
(Ord. passed 3-5-2018)  Penalty, see § 152.999
   (A)   Customary materials. Fences and walls shall be constructed of customary materials, including solid wood, brick, masonry, stone, wrought iron, decorative metal materials or products designed to resemble these materials. Where specific materials are specified for particular types of screening or buffering fences or walls, all other fence materials are prohibited.
   (B)   Finished side to outside. Wherever a fence or wall is installed, if one side of the fence or wall appears more “finished” than the other (i.e., one side has visible support framing and the other does not), then the more “finished” side of the fence shall face the perimeter or outside of the lot, rather than facing the interior of the lot.
   (C)   Uniformity of materials on a single lot side. All fencing or wall segments located along a single lot side shall be composed of a uniform material and shall be of a uniform color.
   (D)   Maintenance required. All fences and walls shall be maintained in good repair and in a safe and attractive condition, including, but not limited to, replacement of missing, decayed or broken structural and decorative elements. All fences and walls shall receive regular structural maintenance to prevent and address sagging and weathering of surfaces visible from the public right-of-way. Any deteriorated, damaged or decayed fence materials shall be promptly repaired and any fence or wall post or section that leans more than 20 degrees from vertical shall be promptly repaired to correct that condition.
(Ord. passed 3-5-2018)  Penalty, see § 152.999
§ 152.235  PURPOSE.
   (A)   The purpose of this subchapter is to control light spillage and glare so as not to adversely affect motorists, pedestrians and land uses of adjacent properties.
   (B)   More specifically, this subchapter is intended to:
      (1)   Control lighting to assure that excessive light spillage and glare are not directed at adjacent properties, neighboring areas and motorists;
      (2)   Ensure that all site lighting shall be designed and installed to maintain adequate lighting levels on-site; and
      (3)   Provide security for persons and land.
(Ord. passed 3-5-2018)
   Unless exempted in accordance with § 152.237 of this chapter, the provisions of this section shall apply to attached residential, institutional, commercial and industrial uses.
(Ord. passed 3-5-2018)